My chicks have gone crazy .


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2015
Frederick Co, MD
Maybe they feel like they need a party for being 2 weeks old .
These guys have been running all over the brooder , flying across the brooder and trying to fly out , sitting on top of the feed and waterer , chicken fighting with each other and dust bathing all in the last 2 days .

Wow , what a change from last week .
Same birdie business going on here. Have just had ours a week yesterday but I think they are about 10 days old. Sorting out the pecking order here and it's so amusing to watch - trying to be the tallest chicken (girls, you're only three inches high, it's not THAT imposing..), flying at one another etc. A big change from the scared little babies that arrived last week. The best part is they're recognizing me!
I had no idea this would be so much fun!
If you get any more warm spring days in the 70s like we've been having, before this spring snow storm front decided to visit us with its misery, take your tykes outdoors for a romp and let them flex their wings and little legs. I bet you get to see some impressive low level flight.

They'll be fine out of the brooder for a little while. But wait until next week when this messy weather is over and done with.
Haha, mine are doing the same! I have four 2 week old chicks, and two 1 week old chicks. Three of them are growing awfully impatient in the brooder already. I live in California and it is about 80 here today, so I took them on a short field trip outside and they were in heaven!! I'm thinking about setting them up in the run during the day pretty soon (with heat) and then bringing them in at night. They are going stir crazy!!
I came home from work to feed the chicks tonite, saw two of my RIR (3 1/2 wk old) doing cirque du Soleil @ the edges of their brooder. LOL. They are in a 150 gal Rubbermaid trough 3 ft high. I guess they feel like they need to move out today flapping their wings :Dlike crazy.
And the amusement continues. Two days ago I put a "log" in the brooder (about 1 1/2 inches around, 12 inches long piece of firewood from an apple tree). The girls sat around for several hours wondering if it was going to eat them, but they finally worked their way around to investigating and now it's been discovered that "if I sit up here I'm WAY taller than you!!" Too funny.

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