My Christmas Gift Coop

Looks great.

Will need a couple modifications IMHO.
Currently the roost and nest boxes are at the same height.
Plan on adding a wire skirt to prevent digging under.

Also the Coop half is only enclosed on 3 sides. I would think that would be fine where you are in Cali but I don't really know your winter weather.
And I would limit it to 6 hens unless they will get to free range during the day.
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I hope you've been a really good girl/boy.
Santa is checking his list to see who has been naughty or nice.
I would love to have a coop like that. I hope all your wishes come true
Im having the run expanded 2 feet for more area. I will definately need to add a door or wall to enclose it on all four sides.

Wire skirt?

How come the roosts and nest boxes cant be at the same height?

Sorry for my ignorance, Im a first time chicken owner.
Wire Skirt: Use 2-3' of wire fencing and attach it to the bottom frame of the coop. Then, stake it out from the coop to create a skirt effect. Grass grows up and hides the skirt pretty fast. Predators try to dig under the coop wall run into the fencing and are stopped. You could also dig a trench down 2' and bury the wire fencing.
The coop in question also needs 1/2" hardware cloth to replace the 2"x4" welded wire. If you don't the coop will not be secure from a bunch of smaller sized predators. Alternately, have the builder put a 4th wall on the coop half and skirt that so that the girls are locked in safe at night. Then add hardware cloth on the bottom half of the run portion to prevent raccoons from reaching through the wire.

Roosts: The chickens will roost at the highest point they can get to. They poop a ton during the night so if they roost in the nest boxes they make a huge mess. Just move the roost up a foot or so and it is not a problem.
dixie&trixie :

Sounds like I may need to just build a big coop myself.

That's what I would advise. If you have some basic knowledge of how to swing a hammer, go to Home Depot/Lowe's and buy a book on building storage sheds. You will learn all you need to know to successfully build a custom coop. Then look at the coop section here and get some ideas of what others have done. You will have more fun showing off your finished coop than your chickens.

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