My Cornish X's are laying

This thread reminded... We had a cornish X hen that was too small to bother butchering with the rest of them, so she became a pet. She eventually got HUGE and layed jumbo double-yolk eggs. She lived for over a year and then we found her one morning expired laying at the feeder.
Her name was Miss Fatty. She was one of the friendliest chickens we have ever had.
yeah, the oyster shell is for anyone who wants it.

My cornish x's do eat less than what I've read, and they are smaller, I think-- we just butchered the oldest one (had been given to us at Easter time)-- she was a 8 wo pullet.

Live weight was 4.5 and dressed weight was 3.4-- there was more meat on it than on a 4 lb Perdue chicken though. It fed my family of 6 and then some (and it was so good, we had LARGE servings:)). When I cook a Perdue, there's nothing left. I'm happy with the smaller weight. If I need 10+ lbs, I'll grow a turkey;)
Awesome!! I have a neighbor who has some in lay as well from last Spring. He makes them forage for all their own food, so I think that's helped keep them going this long.
this answers ALOT of my questions!! I have 19 cornish x and they are free ranging right now, they are almost 7 weeks old, and are pretty big-- but not HUGE. they run all over my yard, and I get away with feeding them actual chicken feed twice a day (its a decent ammt) They are growing fast enough for me, there are only 4 of us in my family, and I like the taste of free ranged birds better!!! I was planning to keep 3 or 4 hens just for eggs, so it seems if I keep them going like I am, they may live long enough to do that!!! they do lay REALLY BIG EGGS!!! I have gotten some from my landlord.
I started with 50 and have lost very few. We processed a lot of them and now I'm down to 15-17. I had a couple get crushed by the horses. I found a few dead in the barn with no obvious signs of trauma. I lost a couple to predators, I'm guessing, because they never came back to the barn. Either that, or they are living on the neighbors cattle farm.

The eggs these monsters are laying are huge... Jumbo if someone were to grade them.

Even though I love watching them run around they are gonna have to go soon. My barn is a HUGE mess.

Take care,


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