My dad thinks it's a brain tumor...

What you are doing is great. If this does turn out to be cancer, and you lose your precious bird, you can be at peace knowing that you did everything you could do to save and comfort her. You have your dad there to help in the decision making. Sometimes, a young girl like yourself may be more inclined to act on your feelings, but your dad is going to balance out those decisions for you. I'm certain that all you have done has not come without great consideration from dad. My little girls and I spent some time this morning praying for you, and Sugar. I hope everything goes well, and I'll be watching for updates.
And just a side note....You are such a very well spoken young lady. I bet your mom and dad are really proud of you.

ok i'm new to this post but I agree I think you are doing the right thing for your girl. I truely hope that she pulled through the night. I would do the same things that you are doing for her if it was mine. Please let us know how she is doing.... We all care in here and like to keep up-to-date with these things.
She did pull through the night and she is eating!! The swelling on one side of her face has gone down a bit. There was some crackling noises when she was sleeping last night. Actually I am a little afraid to take the rest out... I'll see if I can get a vet to do it or have someone help me with it. The wound is forming a scab though...
I guess if I soften it more will come out.. My dad told me to get a almost hot towel to her head for an hour. I'll be doing that later, I got up earlier than I usually do.
Sounds great! Try to keep it open though so it can continue to drain. Keep neosporine on it that will help. If you can get her to a vet that would reassure your thoughts (or fears) hopefully not the latter. It is great to hear that she is eating. That is a good sign after all she wasn't eating before right? How is her activity level? Does she seem more alert? I hope all goes well for you two at the vets. Keep us posted please..
You did good, Moochie.

Chickens can be amazingly resiliant ..

I like the hot compress idea..
I'm so glad to hear that she seems to be feeling a little better! Birds don't eat well (if at all) when they are in pain, so the fact that she wasn't eating yesterday but is eating this morning tells me that at the very least she is not as painful as she was yesterday. The almost hot towel is exactly what I would do. That should help draw out any fluids (and hopefully the infection along with them) and stimulate blood flow to the area to help aid healing.
Poor thing !!! And you are such a good chicken momma!! Kudos to you for all your hard work and caring for her like you have been!! You are doing a super super job!!!


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