my daughter has a mini rex rabbit and......

You may want to take a look at my website.. it explains allot. Your probably over feeding veggies. Also some veggies are just bad for rabbits. hold off on those and see what happens and read the website on housing and buying rabbits, rabbit facts.. that should give you allot to think about.
Oh thank you thank you thank you! I will look right now. I really don't like to have something feeling bad, although he doesn't really act like he feels to bad.

I honestly think that we weren't feeding him enough vegetables. I was told 1 cup a day and my book says 2 cups.

I will enjoy your site thanks again
Only a 1 or 2 baby carrots. They can cause vitamin A toxicity and calcium issues. Lettuce is actually healthier than carrot (except iceburg). I would not take him off pellets and veggies for just some slightly soft droppings. That's not harmful. Lessen the vegetables for now and in the future watch what vegetables give him soft droppings and don't feed too much of those.
Thank you! Will def not give him to many carrots and not give the core of the romaine lettuce again. Should have known where it was lighter than the leaves.

Thank you
I give mine lettuce (small amounts and not iceburg) on occassion and have no problems. With the pellet diet daily veggies are not neccessary IMO but I know they enjoy them and it is healthy so in moderation is perfectly fine. If you are worried about any type of soft stool or diarreha, dry oatmeal usually takes care of it quickly. Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about though...he probably just had a little too much leafy greens that particular day.
One big problem you can have is if your rabbit isn't getting enough grass or hay they need "meadow" and will get very ill with out it.
Thank you! Will def not give him to many carrots and not give the core of the romaine lettuce again. Should have known where it was lighter than the leaves.

Thank you

I had two Mini Rexes, a Californian and an American Fuzzy Lop. I would give them carrots all the time, almost on a regular basis along with apples, mint leaves and thyme leaves. and they were fine. I never had a problem with them getting sick. I actually would have their regualr Fiesta Mix in a bowl and along side it in a seperate bowl I would make a "bunny salad" They also had Timothy Hay. No Lettuce though.. Also I would pull dandilions from the lawn and give them those also..they LOOOVE the Danilions!

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