My daughter is devastated!

Sorry if I offended anyone in my bias against weasels. You're completely right...certainly not all dads are like that.

However, you are completely off base in your comment in that my child or I receive child support as though I'm making money off of him. In fact, I foolishly agreed to accept the same amount of child support that his second ex-wife got for his third child 20 years ago in the hopes that my daughter would have some father.

This person has offered to surrender his parental rights to my child five times. So yes, I am bitter and it will pass in time.

She does see him biweekly but has been told by his girlfriend that she is my daughter's mother, not I. He didn't see her for a year, don't know why. He miraculously began visitation again after a judge ruled that he was responsible for 1/2 of her medical bills. Then he told me that he would financially ruin me.

It did go to trial and after having lost almost everything, we do share joint custody so that he can see her but he has lost all decision making because of what his actions.

You are completely right...wrong forum. I know that there are many caring fathers out there. Please do understand thatmy daughter's comment about there not being a God does not come from me. I tell her that the most important things in life are to be kind and to leave this Earth a better place.

In fact, you'd probably be surprised that I have NEVER said a bad word against him or his girlfriend because I am a teacher and see what happens to children when they are used as pawns.

Again, I apologize for any bad feelings. That certainly was not my intent but to imply that I "get child support" is an incorrect assumption.

In fact he owes me in excess of $1,400 for her medical bills and received a free lawyer at the expense of the taxpayers where I lived because he claimed that he couldn't afford a lawyer. The judge told him to produce his financial documents. He didn't for six months, though I did while he filed every single petition and complaint because he knew that for every couple of minutes I spent speaking to my lawyer, I would be charged for 15 minutes. By the way, the court found that he was capable of paying legal fees and he didn't have to reimburse the state a single penny.

So please give me the benefit of the doubt as a single mom and I will do the same for all of the wonderful fathers who do the right thing for their children.

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