MY Ducks have Gape worm! HELP!

I got mine from Jeffers. The liquid form is listed as Dewormer for Goats, Feed stores may have it.

I need to update my site. I have a gray(mallard) drake over gray, fawn, fawn&white, and white ducks. The white duck opted out for the pic...LOL
My stock came from Golden Egg, these are really nice and upright birds. 6+ is 15.00 plus 11.00 shipping

Hi to all once again! I found out from my vet last night that for dogs the general rule is the same as humans! 1/10th of a cc per 10 pounds of body weight to worm them and gaurd against heartworms! He said to be sure and use it every month!

[b]Remember do not give Ivermectin to Collies or collie mixes![/b]
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Hi folks, I just realized that I haven't posted anything about using the Big Dog Advantage flea drops on cats! (I found this on the link that I posted earlier about info on cats.

I used this on my cats, and dogs. (I bought a syringe special, and a small glass vial to put the drops in). I had two cats that licked it off of each other while it was wet. I was so busy that It didn't really dawn on me that they were licking it off! They went outside. They became sick, and by the time I realized they were sick and contacted the lady on the site for help it was too late
. But hey it worked on everyone! It killed the fleas in my home and yard too!

But here is her advice.....

If they do lick it off of each other bathe them immediatly, crush half a tablet of L-Lysine 500mg (it's in the vitamin aisle for humans:) mix with water (about a teaspoon each) and pour or squirt it into their mouths making sure that they swallow it to help flush the poison out of their systems. PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY DON'T LICK IT OFF WHILE IT IS WET!

If you do have problems the lady is very nice but a little slow on getting back to you. But all of her tips will save you $
Wow! What a great thread. I don't know how I sometimes miss these threads when they are first posted, LOL.

The problem with wormers is that not very many of them get all worms. This is not necessarily that big of a deal anyway as most vets (or at least all of the vets I have worked with) recommend rotating wormers anyway. Ivermectin is great. I have used it for many, many years, but it does not get tapeworms or even all round worms. Safeguard (Fenbendazole) is great too, but it also does not get tapeworms.

As someone mentioned early in the thread, Flubenvet (Flubendazole) is awesome, but it is hard to find in the US. There is another wormer that a few people here on BYC recommend called Valbazen. Like Flubenvet, it is supposed to be very comprehensive. As luck would have it, they had a big bottle of it at my feed store that I was able to get for a great price. I am going to try it, but thus far have no personal experience with it. The other option is to, as I already said, rotate wormers. Most vets recommend doing this anyway. In actuality, people experienced with the Valbazen recommend to use another wormer like Wazine prior to using it as well (Wazine is really cheap and easy to find).

A lot of times, wormers can be found locally. If not, I sometimes purchase various things also from First State Vet Supply. A lot of BYC'ers use them. They are operated by Dr. Peter Brown, whom is very experienced with poultry medicine. I'll paste a link below to their wormer page. HTH!
Our juvenile ducklings (Buff/Runner crosses) got gapeworms earlier this year and we treated with Ivermectin orally every 2 weeks. I think it took 3 doses to totally clear the worms. We did have two of our females develop a secondary infection and ended up losing one so keep a close eye on anyone who is looking really puny or not eating.

As a preventative, I add apple cider vinegar to their water now. It helps keep down the muck-growth in water bukets as well. I also mix food grade diatomaceous earth in their feed from time to time to help with worms. My local exotics vet recommends worming with Ivermectin (cannot find my notes on dosage at the moment) orally once year.
Wow what a thread...I have 2 3 weeks old ducks one of whom is breathing open mouth, but eating and drinking fine. Their bedding is pine shavings but it is under the wire in the cage I have them in. She was not breathing open mouth all the time but has started to do it more often now. They are not under a brooder light as we keep it 74 in our house all the time. Poop changes consistences a lot. I have the Valbazen and was wondering if it would hurt to give it to her in case she has Gape worms? I am not sure what else it could be please help.
That's sad. I don't think it would hurt to give your baby a very very small drop on it's bill. If it doesn't swallow it you may want to take a syringe or eye dropper and drop a drop straight into its mouth. Do you keep fresh water out? It may have a piece of pine shaving lodged in it's throat.

You could try the swab (q-tip) method to check for worms or something lodged in it's throat. You very gently run the q-tip down his/her throat and swirl it as you pull it back out. Then inspect the end for worms. If it's throat is closing/clogged with worms some will come out on the q-tip. They will be very tiny and you may need a magnifying glass.

Reread the entire thread, I believe someone else had suggestions on what to use. I keep a bottle of the Ivermectin oral that you get from your local drugstore on hand for worming kids, dogs, cats, chickens, and ducks. It's expensive but will last years! I think it's worth having.

Goodluck! Maybe someone else will pick up on this thread with more info.

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