My EE laying brown eggs?

lol the guy at the chicken store must have been misinformed. that is incorrect. the color they lay is the only color they will lay. the only thing that will change is the size of the egg after consecutive molts.
Well i just collected my first green egg today yippee! All my EE hens have dark gray or almost black legs. I have 5 EE hens (not 8 like i had posted in my first post.) I was so excited to look for colored eggs i was counting my Black Star and 2 Red Star hens as EE,s. I think all of my EE,s have pea combs also. I have 12 hens total and i,m pretty sure 3 of the EE,s are now laying. I just collected 6 eggs today. Very exciting to have half my girls laying now.

I have yet to get a green/blue egg out of my EEs. I have 3 EEs out of a flock of 14, and I'm still holding out hope that one or two of them may just be the last to start laying and maybe I'll still get one?? Otherwise, I think at least one of them is laying cream-colored eggs. I think I'll be pretty bummed if I don't have any hens laying green/blue. I guess I'll just have to add to my flock next year.
"easter-eggers"- mutt chickens, I think, crossed with araucana and ameracanas (which lay blue-green eggs). I have four EE gals, just waiting for eggs in about 2 months. Eah of them is different. My friend and I split a group, and hers are all different than mine too!
"easter-eggers"- mutt chickens, I think, crossed with araucana and ameracanas (which lay blue-green eggs). I have four EE gals, just waiting for eggs in about 2 months. Eah of them is different. My friend and I split a group, and hers are all different than mine too!

So "EE" is for Easter Egger... okay. Are they different than Americanas? (Aren't Americanas derived from Auracanas, but don't have one of the genes that Auracanas have that causes chick fatality???)
I read in an article about genetics that to get GREEN eggs a chicken has to have BOTH the BLUE and Brown egg genes.

If this is true, then if they are laying blue eggs or brown eggs, they won't have babies that lay green eggs unless you cross them with something that lays the opposite color.

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