My experience dealing with MG (Mycoplasma gallispectum)

This really helps
thanks so much for your support - I can't even tell you how much the decision hurt and how mortifying it was to contact the people I'd sent eggs to and told them to destroy them. It helps to have a place like this where others understand how devastating it is!
Oh Karen, I'm so sorry. If you'd like me to reship more Delawares later just let me know. I'll be happy to help you rebuild your flock.
I just talked to the state vet and they don't provide that service. It's up to me to find someone or do it myself. I'm trying to come up with a way to avoid doing it myself. Some of these are lap chickens and thinking about killing them just chokes me up.
I just talked to the state vet and they don't provide that service. It's up to me to find someone or do it myself. I'm trying to come up with a way to avoid doing it myself. Some of these are lap chickens and thinking about killing them just chokes me up.

Oh no! You should talk to your local vets and ask if they will at least provide a discount. Tell them about the situation... most are pretty understanding and are willing to help in such a situation.
I too am truly sorry about this difficult decision
but I commend you for it
because if you kept the ones not showing any signs fo MG or CRD you too would be guilty of spreading it along.

Yesterday on here I posted to some one who bought eggs from a MG flock and seller replied that she was refunding the birds due to finding out she had MG

well my thought was to cull every thing in the incubator as this is how MG is spread and no signs of it active

then fumigate or disinfect the incubator

I think every one reading it thought I was nuts

but as I told them
chickens can become adjusted to having MG or CRD and live normal lives yet be carriers

then when sold to saome one else become sick or pass on thru the waterers this dreaded disease

thus I would not keep any of the chicks esposed to the incubator during hatching of MG invected eggs

Thanks to your honesty and self decision to let others learn from your drastic loss

you are a very good chicken fancier and promoting honest feelings towards other chicken people (keepers)

may God Bless your honest feelings and give you strength to uphold this decision

and may all on BYC learn and remember this good sound advise

true commitment over rides the heart

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