My experience dealing with MG (Mycoplasma gallispectum)

Thank you for your support, Glenda. I was the one who had sent the eggs to those ladies and I let them know within a hour of hearing the diagnosis myself. The eggs had been sent before there was any sign of illness in my birds. I'm refunding both of them and just pray their flocks are safe.

Edited to add: I clean and disinfect my incubator between uses and I don't have any of my own eggs in it right now.
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I just talked to the state vet and they don't provide that service. It's up to me to find someone or do it myself. I'm trying to come up with a way to avoid doing it myself. Some of these are lap chickens and thinking about killing them just chokes me up.

Would you be adverse to someone eating them. I know that they are pets, but I know that I would feel better if their death helped someone...where I am going with this is that you could post an ad on craigslist. Someone might do it.
Oh darling that is so so hard. I am so sad for you and the birds. That has got to be a torturing decision.
I hope and pray that you can find someone else to do the culling for you.
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I just talked to the state vet and they don't provide that service. It's up to me to find someone or do it myself. I'm trying to come up with a way to avoid doing it myself. Some of these are lap chickens and thinking about killing them just chokes me up.

Would you be adverse to someone eating them. I know that they are pets, but I know that I would feel better if their death helped someone...where I am going with this is that you could post an ad on craigslist. Someone might do it.

Personally, I don't want to eat them even though the vet said it was fine. I thought of asking someone else to do it, but there's just so much that could go wrong.
I am so sorry to hear of this happening to you. I didn't even know about this disease. This shows how all of us need to learn about bio security. As a newbie, I really had no idea.

I will be sending my prayers to you.
Such a sad problem
how many birds are we talking?
also there surely are some people that could come and do the culling as you call it

also are you sure you can't get some one to give shots to each bird as the vets do dogs
we just had to have our beloved Chloe a scotty of five yrs put to sleep at the vets for cancer
I would contact Peter Brown who is a vet
he sells oxine also and your decision to use it is the best for disinfecting the buildings etc

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I didn't know about it either. No wonder I'm always reading people on here being VERY careful when bringing in started pullets or hens into their flock.

What exactly are the symptoms and would all the chickens be displaying them at the same time? Or only if they are new to it - as it seems it can be spread very easily and lived with very easily by the I understanding this correctly? That they could have it and show no symptoms?

To the OP - what a horrible ordeal for you to have to endure. I cannot imagine having to do that. I think you are very brave and I do thank you for sharing as you are helping those of us new enough to try to make a difference in our flocks and procedures to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this... Like others have said though it's a very responsible thing you are doing, I wish more people were like that.
20 adult birds and about 50+ chicks and juviniles and about 3 dozen quail. I just called the vet - they can't sell me anything to euthanize the birds and I don't think I can trasport 100 or so birds to the vet especially since it's possible for exotic pet birds to get this.
There is a travelling vet in our area, but I'm afraid to ask what she would charge.

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