My favorite thing about my ChickNCam...

I cant see anything it says its offline...all yall arre unfair I cant see anything because its full
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Those darn Campines - they are so dang curious that they hear the door shut to the house and hear me coming and think they need to pop their heads back out to ask me for some treats...

My husbands dogs drive me nuts. She has a barking fetish. If you let her in the run with the chickens she tries to get back out. She is not impressed with them and the campines will put a hurtin on her which she does NOt appreciate.

Since all the chickens outside are up I've switched the broadcast channel to the inside's in the 'suspected hen' pen at the moment.

My outdoor camera is a WiLife outdoor cam. (

My indoor cam is a microsoft livecam, I think the 3000 model - got it at walmart.

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