My female Pekin the Cannon


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 16, 2012
Bay Area, CA
On March 25th, I bought my duck at a swap meet. She is so cute. I am guessing she was about 2 weeks old. She bonded with me pretty fast and follows me around the place. She has grown amazing fast the last couple of weeks. She is my first duck. Here is a picture of her. I wonder how many weeks she might most likely be.
My guys are 5 weeks old in this picture.

I would guess maybe 4-5 weeks. They grow so fast though. That is about a railroad tie and a half in the flower garden boarder there.
That's a two liter bottle, right? I would agree with J and say your duckling is closer to 4-5 weeks with those feathers. She's cute though.

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