My first time...we have pips and peeps!...(pics) 22

You can use a turkey baster and pull out the water and let it run dry. Once the humidity is down add it back 1/2 cup at a time until you get it right.
I pulled out that red plug and humidity has been dropping while temp stays the same. Right now it is at 46%.

Miss Jayne.....I might be putting you on speed dial....
I told Judy what to watch for with the thermometer/hygrometer....then the conversation went like this:

Her: many eggs are in there?

Me: 42

Her: 42? 42 eggs are gonna be hatching?

Me: well, that's a theory....but they may not all hatch.

Her: How many do you think?

Me: Well I have no way of knowing.....maybe 36?...maybe.

Her: What are we gonna do with 36 chicks?

Me: Well, the white eggs are for someone else....there are 7 of them.

Her: figuring....So what are we gonna do with 29 more hens?

Me: Honey, they won't all be hens....maybe half.

Her: Oh, what are you gonna do with about 15 roosters?

Me: Well Miss-Jayne gets one, and vicki might have a home for another for a 4H kid......and, uh, ...well....

Her: I got a idea, since when you bought the BLRW pullets you also had to take a rooster, I think whoever you are giving those 7 white egg chicks to should have to take the roosters are NOT killing our babies.

Me: Yes dear.

I'll say it again.....this is a woman who didn't want chickens to begin with....what have I created?
Congratulations Steve. Mine didn't want chickens to begin with either, and she still doesn't want chickens. What's your secret?

I bet the hatch we be fine. I was a first timer just his past year, knew nothing and still managed a good hatch.

MJ is lways there to save day.
Oh you are getting them as soon as they start laying eggs. I'm not getting rid of that rooster, she has gotten attached anyways to him. Wish I could hurry them along for you.
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Oh you are getting them as soon as they start laying eggs. I'm not getting rid of that rooster, she has gotten attached anyways to him. Wish I could hurry them along for you.

Whatever you do, DO NOT wish them to hurry. The waiting will KILL you!


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