My Florida chicken pen (edited & PIC heavy)

We are in central Florida and just finished our coop last month- researching, building, chicken-ing
, and all. I'd love to share pics...but haven't figured how to add them to my BYC page or post yet?!
Change the sand? umm, no I don't. Some may here but I have no need yet. I reserve the right to need to at some point in the future though. April will be 1 year with 7 hens.
So helpful! We are in the design stage of our coop right now (we're newbies with no chicks yet). We also live in Florida (Sarasota) and your roof and floor designs are perfect for us! We will now be able to move forward confidently! Thank you so much for posting!
cant quite tell from the pics, is the trash can suspended over the feed system ROUND? I have the bucket, lid and an old pan and plan to do the same thing in mine, but for now my birds are little and still using a chick feeder and waterer inside a small hutch.
Very nice job on everything. My husband has lots of tools but I don't know how to use them. I still try to do things on my own.
Stop by, have a look. Im usually on the Michigan thread, and Chickenstock.

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