My girls spent the night in their new coop!!!

This is my girls 2nd night out...they were NOT happy about going inside the coop last night. They wanted to stay out and play!!
My babies were just 3 weeks oldyesterday and they spent their first night in the coop last night. The run isn't finished yet, so they're going to be inside for a couple more weeks. I had rigged up a heat lamp and brought their brooder (without the lid) out to put under the lamp in case they needed supplemental heat. But it was so hot here yesterday, that I didn't turn on the lamp last night and this morning when I checked they were having a great time. Some were helping one to peck a spot on the wall and two others were taking flight lessons across the coop while several others were sharing a cool drink around the waterer. They love their new coop!
Mine never made a sound. They just looked at me like, "It's about time man!" LOL They are in the basement in their broodrs right now. It's about 100' F out there, and they are loving being in the cool basement. They sure did not want to come in at first.

I am glad yours were okay, and don't worry; they will quiet down.
Congrats! It is VERY hard to leave them out in the coop overnight the first night....I know I checked on ours several times, too, so let your husband know there are others out there just like him.
Congratulations! And I *love* that your husband checked on them *several* times in the night. Sooo sweet!

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