My goose has something wrong with his eye


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 3, 2011
My goose is now about 4 months old and he's had a "bad eye". His eye was all pink and runny, so I used some poultry antibiotic spray but now it's all hazing blue and part of his pupil is hazed over. Honkington is name and he's well, looney. I can't blame him but since he's apparently blind in that eye and he is terified of me. all the other geese pick on him and I don't know what to do.
Got a vet? What kind of antibiotic spray are you talking about? Anything for eyes needs to be an opthalmic ointment. You can get an opthalmic antibiotic ointment at many farm and vet supply, usually some type of neosporin. It's somehing that should be in everyone's vet kit. Don't worry if it doesn't say poultry on it. It's the eye part that's important. Apply it with a clean Q-tip and never ever touch your applcator back to the tube. If you do, use it only for that bird, that incident and replace it.

I have had tht problem a couple times (runny, sticky eye) bit it always responded to the ointment. I find it occurs most commonly with very young birds who may get bedding, hay, or some other foreign object in the eye and it causes irritation. Never had one blinded. The bird must be panic-stricken! If you have help, get that eye rinsed out gently and inspect it with a magnifying glass and a good light for any injury or foreign matter. Remove it if you can. WEAR GLOVES, all of you! Thoroughly disinfect afterward with soap and water, maybe some bleach. You don't want an infection or to spread it. You've probably heard of pinkeye.

Can you isolate that one goose with oner or two of his sibs who is less agressive toward him? Hopefully the damage won't be permament. Do use the opthalmic ointment because it eases the irritation and may help any foreign object to make it's way out of the eye or at least soothe the eye if there is a scratch or damage to the eyelid or cornea until it heals naturally. The little guy probably needs to feel safe and I think if you can make him feel safe with you (and at least one other sib), he'll heal better and feel that you will protect him. In other words, spoil him and his sib. (Tough job, huh?) Just keep him in clean fresh towel every time you snuggle him (you know you will) and wash/disnfect it before using it again. It the damage is permanent, that will be an important factor in how well the little guy adjusts. Let us know how he does, ok?
Hi thegoosegirl! Hope you're still around. I wanted to know how the eye thing turned out? I have a 4 week old gosling with a sticky eye, no vet and need to treat him with something. He's not letting me get near his eye at all. Tried spreading a small amount of ortho ointment I had around for some time but not sure if any got in it. Do you know where I can buy poultry antibiotics locally in a store? Any help from anyone is appreciated.

You can buy ophthalmic ointment (comes in very small tubes)at many feed stores. I would not recommend giving your goose any oral antibiotics. You don't know what you're trying to treat, if anything. You can also use neomycin, teramycin, or any triple antibiotic ointment that has not been touched. Best to buy a tube and mark "For Eyes Only". It's not easy to get this in their eyes. I place some on a clean paper plate and apply it with a Q-Tip. I have found that the Vetricyn ophthalmic gel or spray for pinkeye works pretty well and is easier to actually get in the eye. You can get that at most feed stores.If you can get some ointment in the eye, that's good, too, because it soothes the eye and lid. Sometimes they just get stuff in their eyes and they become irritated. I can hold the eye open while spraying much easier than trying to get the ointment in without help.

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