Ribh's D'Coopage

I feel your pain. :hugsWhat are your lot up to?
This may give you a flavor, but really only scratches the surface of the hormonal insanity.
Oh, dear.... been there, done that, have the t-shirt. 🤣 At least they're not going Berko @ having to share.
Well. For several days Tassels (the black one) sat on Piglet's head (Piglet is the white one).
This worked well for me because Piglet pecks me hard when I go to gather eggs and her ability to draw blood was limited by being stuck underneath Tassels (who is much bigger than Piglet).
And then somehow there were three in there.
Fortunately the third seems to have given up and I am hopeful that Piglet will give up soon.
The level of general disruption they create is unbelievable - running around like mad things.
Well. For several days Tassels (the black one) sat on Piglet's head (Piglet is the white one).
This worked well for me because Piglet pecks me hard when I go to gather eggs and her ability to draw blood was limited by being stuck underneath Tassels (who is much bigger than Piglet).
And then somehow there were three in there.
Fortunately the third seems to have given up and I am hopeful that Piglet will give up soon.
The level of general disruption they create is unbelievable - running around like mad things.
You might remember these... so don't feel too bad about your lot.​

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