My Leghorn ate Plastic!


15 Years
Jun 8, 2008
Delphos, OH
I went out this mornig to let my chickens out of the coop and I saw a strip of plastic on the floor of the coop. It kinda look like a piece off of a plastic bag....and about 4 inches long. How it got it there I do not know.

Well I reached to get it and Miss Leghorn snatched it and started to eat it. I tried to grab it out of her beak, but she jumped back and slurped it down like a piece of spaghetti!!!!

I'm sure chickens eat weird things all the time, but I don't feed them plastic. Is this going to hurt her?
I would keep an eye on her. Make sure her crop empties out tonight. Check in the a.m. prior to her eating anything. I would check for the next couple mornings.
You could do a molasses flush or epsom salt flush which will move things out a little quicker if you wanted to. Hopefully it just gets sent through the system and out into your yard.
Over the summer time, I saw my comet poop slivers of glass!!! NO JOKE!!! She must have found broken glass somewhere on our property and ate it...she's fine!!! Didn't even seem to phase her!!!
Glass?! Oh wow!

I'll just make sure I bring in her food tonight and check her out in the morning. If she will let me get close to her. Lol. She's a spaz. Thanks for all the input!
I have this problem I lined the outside and some of the inside with plastic to keep wind off and my 2 young roos like to peel it off pinch by pinch and eat it.

So far no one has had any problems.
Well she was her perky self this morning so it looks like she is fine.

I'm planning on putting plastic over their coop window to keep the drafts out. I hope she keeps away from that!
My leghorns got ahold of a little piece of white styrofoam and they tore it apart and gobbled it up before we could get it from them! All fine here and still eating anything they can get into!
My leghorns got ahold of a little piece of white styrofoam and they tore it apart and gobbled it up before we could get it from them! All fine here and still eating anything they can get into!
Yep, our three girls went crazy for styrofoam too...i think they liked the noise it made when they pecked it

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