My missing blue demon hen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Our big blue Asiatic chicken went missing last week. I thought she ran away to one of the neighbor's houses, and was either living happily ever after or had been a chicken dinner for some wayward predator. I was relieved to be honest--she is SO mean to all the other chickens, and nearly killed my best broody girl- so it was really good riddance. Since she has been gone, everyone has been getting along very well- all has been quiet- until yesterday.

I was moving some of the objects I had that was blocking off a makeshift mini-coop behind our main one, and I lifted up the Dogloo I had there for shelter(which they never used), and lo-and-behold Blue was in there sitting on a pile of SEVEN eggs!
You could have knocked me over with a feather.
SO, as a merciful and loving chicken mum I moved her and the Dogloo she loves into the fenced garden area, along with the two black Asiatics- the only chickens she won't kill or maim. I had to take the eggs though- they were not fertilized, but I hope to use her as a brood mom eventually.

Crazy chickens! No wonder I love em so much (evil demon bird or not!)
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Glad to hear that she was found ... and not injured....You're just going to have to get her her private coop and run now....
Maybe she was trying to tell you something....
I had one do that earlier in the summer, and she was also an evil hen. I didn't find her though and has assumed she was long gone to predators- when she popped up in the barnyard 3 weeks later, 18 chicks in tow

I have no idea where she hid herself and 18 eggs, we only kept 4 chicks ourselves but they're cute little pullets now.

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