my new breeding pens (progress pics)

Hats off to you...thank you for sharing with us this wonderful project. I enjoyed reading each post and looking at each picture. Wish I could have a coop like yours! Great Job!
Thank you all! It has been a ton of work but it is so awesome. I tell people that it is my chicken exhibit at the Worlds Fair. lol!

@ afveteran88 It is a Wagner Twin Stroke. It works great. We painted our whole house inside and out with it. Maybe there are different models?

Here is a side pick of the coop. I am still building roosts, nest boxes, little ladders, etc. I was just so excited to get chickens in I could not wait. I have already shuffled around these chickens trying to figure out who I want where.

Thank you! Of course when we started it I could not imagine ever needing more pens. I am all excited about a new project and suddenly wondering if I need more space.
Why is that always the way???

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