My New Chi Puppy!!!!!! Whooo hooo Tharrell!

that is normal for his age..I would say he is purebred..just not breeder or show quality..but then you didnt pay breeder or show quality price so I think you got a nice enough pup for what you paid for him..he will be a great pet and thats all you wanted him for anyway..
Hookworms are nearly everywhere in the US..even clean kennels have them..I would guess the smell in the house was from not very house trained dogs in general..and maybe the people just arent the best housekeepers..
Honestly the smell screamed "CAT PEE" and we saw 4 cats just in the one room we saw of the house so who knows how many they had...

He is AWESOME with his house manners. Not a single accident, I am so happy about that! He will still use pads or outside and I am getting it on command so that now when I tell him "Potty" he starts sniffing around.
He already responds to his name, sit, and look (eye contact). He is incredibly smart.

The only problem I am having is that he does not seem to like my husband at all. He tolerates him but if he gets too close to touching his face or gets his face too close to Max, he snaps at him. No growling warning either, just SNAP. When I hand him to Keith (DH) you can see the change in his facial experession immeadiately, his eyes get big and round and he looks really concerned. Then he tolerates being held or lightly pet. If my husband baby talks to him it sets him off quickly. I have a feeling that Max has never seen a man other than Keith. And Keith has two things about his face that I suspect are scaring Max; a goatee, and glasses. Keith is a BIG man too, 6'2" and 300lbs with dark hair and eyes. I think the whole picture is scaring Max. After he snapped at him yesterday evening I started having Keith feed him tiny bits of really yummy chicken so that hopefully Max will start to assoiciate Keith with yummy treats.
I can't have him hating Keith. I also have been taking him out with me for socializing because it doesn't seem that he got much of that where he came from, and at one pet store an older man (also with facial hair now that I think about it) came up to him and held out his hand for Max to sniff and Max snubbed him and got that wide eyed look about him. I do wonder if it's all men, just men with facial hair, etc.
He ADORES my kids, one of which is a boy. I mean he will not stop licking them and wagging his whole body and all that. He acts that way for me too.
He has a submissive personality which I prefer for training. He is very soft. I hardly have to give him a verbal correction and he responds immeadiately.
I am worried about the snapping thing. You can see that it's a fear thing. He is fearful of new things, last night a shirt tossed onto the floor took him 5 minutes to finally get the courage to go up to it and take a sniff. I need to build his confidence.
Any advice?
Cute little guy! Let me show you mine!
We named ours Cody and he is a great little dog!


Our little guy is about 5 months old now. He thinks he is a daredevil, so he took a leap from my daughter's bed and broke his leg. We have 2 weeks left with him in the cast now.
He should get used to your husband with time and lots of loving. Our other dog was like this with my husband when we rescued him. He loves him now that he knows he is "Daddy." He still hates other men and I have to shut him up when we have company, but he did get used to my husband. (Not the chi that I posted pictures of, but an older dog that I rescued when his owner no longer wanted him.)
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I wouldn't worry about the ear if you don't plan to show him. It gives him character and it may even straighten up with time. He is cute as he is! Our chi's ears bend at the top a little, too. We don't plan to show or breed him, so I don't care. He is a good pet.
No, I'm not worried about his ear. I mentioned it earlier because there was some doubt about whether he was pure or not from the first pics I posted so I thought maybe the tipped ear had something to do with it but apparently it's a teething thing and sometimes it is straight. I find it cute!

I am not planning to show or breed him obviously, he's just a pet that I may do some agility with or make into an emotional support or therapy dog depending on his trainability and temparment. If I can't get him to love everyone than I won't be attempting therapy work with him either.
Yes, but he hit it just right to knock the leg out of joint and cracked the bone, too. He was pitiful for a few days, but he can run like the wind on 3 legs now. He gets the cast off next Friday and we can't wait.

I didn't mean to take the spotlight off of your cute baby, but had to use the excuse to show mine off.
I've seen dachshund/chihuahua crosses advertised as Chiweenies lol

Congratz on the new puppy, i have 3 chihuahuas I got about four weeks ago. I have a male named Paco, and my newphew insists on calling him Paco The Taco

I'm suspicious that my female is pregnant, but I know that she didn't get pregant at my house. But we'll see if I'm right at her vet apt..

He tolerates him but if he gets too close to touching his face or gets his face too close to Max, he snaps at him. No growling warning either, just SNAP. When I hand him to Keith (DH) you can see the change in his facial experession immeadiately, his eyes get big and round and he looks really concerned.

My Chihuahua's hate my stepdad, Just absolutely hate him. I have no idea why, seem to like everyone else they meet. My first reaction that they didnt like men, but ive had my guy friends over and they are all okay with them. But my stepdad is 6'3'' and has a beard. I think they are intimidated by him.​

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