My new Ducklings won't eat, drink, or play in their little bath. Help?

Yep....Deeper water...Have dry out at all times and make a soupy meal twice a day....Wet feed spoils quickly..Also they might need niacin in their diet....Use bowls of water and feed instead of Chicken feeders...;)

Good luck..:)


So get rid of the chicken feeders?

Yes, I used bowls.....Ducklings scoop their feed, not peck......They need deep water to dunk their heads...The soupy wet feed is easier for young ducklings to eat....:)

This is my overall view of their home. The bow on the bottom left is their wet feed and the bowl in the middle is their bath. It isn't much, but I'm hoping it holds up until I can get something better.
Okay. You need heat on one side only, not in the middle. Food and water go on the other side, as far from the heat as possible. And the brooder needs to be big enough for the heat to dissipate completely at the cool end.
Also make sure the Chick starter is NOT medicated....It will kill the Ducklings...

.....Cheers !
If it's medicated with amprolium, it's completely safe for ducks.
I may be completely off the mark here but the first thing that pops into my head is that it could be the red light is throwing them off, especially if they had something different at the place you bought them. What color of heat lamp bulb were they using at tractor supply?
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I may be completely off the mark here but the first thing that pops into my head is that it could be the red light is throwing them off, especially if they had something different at the place you bought them.  What color of heat lamp bulb were they using at tractor supply

They were using the same kind of lamp I do, a red heat lamp.
No....Good question though ..:)
Red light soothes Birds...Why it helps with Chicken chicks...Actually all Baby animals...Piglets. Sheep, goats...etc....With Chicks it helps to stop picking..:)

OP has other changes to make..Simple ones too..:).....

No....Good question though ..:)
Red light soothes Birds...Why it helps with Chicken chicks...Actually all Baby animals...Piglets. Sheep, goats...etc....With Chicks it helps to stop picking..:)

OP has other changes to make..Simple ones too..:).....


So the DuMor chick starter is bad for them? I've always used a red light for my chicks.

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