My new peacock!

We have certainly missed you @DylansMom , hope that all is going well there.
Hi new 2, thanks so much! I have missed all of you as well. I have been lurking here and there, but concentrating mainly on fighting this cancer. I had simultaneous chemo and radiation over the summer, and I am currently in the middle of another round of chemo. Luckily for me, I can eat chemo for breakfast, with no real issues. My blood counts have been pretty much normal all along and I've not even thrown up once. The radiation did give me a heck of a cough, but that is almost gone, and I get a foul taste in my mouth from the chemo, so eating can be a chore at times, oh and I am of course Bald as a cue ball (or emoticon).
I told KKB I lost 20 lbs. , but I think it was all muscle tone because I laid on my a__, all summer. Anyway, I had my 13 week PET scan last week and the results were good, my oncologist was really pleased with the results. I have one remaining small spot that they call "suspicious" so I will have another biopsy to see if it is live cancer or just inflammation, and we will go from there. I am feeling really good and I am making Thanksgiving dinner for the family. Thank you all for your good wishes, and prayers! Hope you all have a great holiday!
Oh @DylansMom this is really great and encouraging news!

And who needs hair anyways????

Isn't it though? I am sooo happy to hear the good news! I had to resist coming here and blabbing it all over after she told me. Mindy is such a valuable contributor here, I have learned so much from her I will never be able to pay it back to her so I will try to help others as she helped me.

For those of you who remember @Garden Peas , I PM'd her daughter and GP is fine, well after mending her broken arm...
Hi new 2, thanks so much! I have missed all of you as well. I have been lurking here and there, but concentrating mainly on fighting this cancer. I had simultaneous chemo and radiation over the summer, and I am currently in the middle of another round of chemo. Luckily for me, I can eat chemo for breakfast, with no real issues. My blood counts have been pretty much normal all along and I've not even thrown up once. The radiation did give me a heck of a cough, but that is almost gone, and I get a foul taste in my mouth from the chemo, so eating can be a chore at times, oh and I am of course Bald as a cue ball (or emoticon).
I told KKB I lost 20 lbs. , but I think it was all muscle tone because I laid on my a__, all summer. Anyway, I had my 13 week PET scan last week and the results were good, my oncologist was really pleased with the results. I have one remaining small spot that they call "suspicious" so I will have another biopsy to see if it is live cancer or just inflammation, and we will go from there. I am feeling really good and I am making Thanksgiving dinner for the family. Thank you all for your good wishes, and prayers! Hope you all have a great holiday!
I had no idea you were going threw this, i am so sorry and i will keep you in my prayers here , glad to hear things are going good this is alway wonderful new, take care and if you need anything even if it is just to chat hit me up with a PM i am here for you, i have been thru cancer i know the struggles, ..PS bald is beautiful
and that hair will grow back thick and beautiful
Ok people spill where did you find this hybrid beauty I just have to have one. was the breeder Lowes, Menards , Home depot or can I order him online. ? though How long did he take to hatch and will he stay put in my backyard. but if he does wander off he will be easy to find at his new so called home and I will be able to lure him back so to speak. hehe But I have to have him. NOW

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