My OEGB has been sitting on a golf ball for five weeks!


11 Years
Nov 5, 2008
Torrance, CA
Poor thing. I'm going to take away the golf ball today. She just turned one year old and this was her first time going broody.

anything I should consider to help her snap out of it?
I can't help but feel your pain, all my 1 yr old OEGB's seem to be going broody 1 after the other. I had no luck with breaking the first so finally let her sit on some eggs. For some reason she killed 5 babies as they hatched I managed to get the last egg and hatch it in the bator. Now I have 1 I am having to remove from the nest everyday and take the eggs. I feel bad but don't want to go through that again this soon. Maybe someone can help both of us.
Sometimes if you take out the nesting material (hay or whatever you use) and put wire in they don't like to lay on the wire.

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