My Peas - Come see my tame Peahen!


Longfeather Lane
13 Years
Jun 10, 2010
So, last year I hatched a couple of peas from silver pied parents... hoping very hard for a silver pied kid... but alas, I ended up with two dark pieds that became the loves of my lives, especially Osiris. At the end of last year I also happened upon an opal chick that was about their same age and I couldn't resist (ok, I couldn't resist rescuing the 2 blackshoulder chicks for $10 from the lady who had them sitting in a tupperware in 40 degree weather with no heat source at the swap either, but at least I was able to get them a new home with our NPIP tester).

So here are my kids from last year:

Osiris, my baby girl, being a pig.

Blu, my baby boy being sexy... The face in the corner is his (hopefully) girlfriend, one of the new ones.

And Octavian, being his usual stupid self. Someone put feathers where this bird's brain used to be, I swear.

This year the first swap I attended I found a pied hen with markings I ADORE. Blu loves her a lot, follows her all over the pen- it's hard to get a picture of her without him or him without her.



(ok, so I love her a lot too and I probably spent too much on her but I just don't care... not even a little. I'm in love too.)

Then I found a guy who told me he wasn't allowed to bring home any of the birds he brought to the swap, per orders of the wife. So he sold us his 2 year old pair of India Blues really cheap. I was slightly confused about the boy, because the barring on his wings at the edges turns into black scales like a blackshoulder... but I'm pretty certain blackshoulders don't ever get the barring all over their wings. Either way, I'm happy with him and his girl.


So there's my six!

Now the most specialest thing about any of these guys is my baby, Osiris. She is, by far, my favorite of the bunch and I will freely admit the bias is because I hatched her myself and I doted on her as hard as I could. I've heard a lot of people say that you can't raise a peacock to be tame. It's just not true. You CAN, and I know you can because Osiris is living proof. You may not be able to afford the time it takes, or the persistence, or the inclusion in every day life when they're little... but here's Osiris and me hanging out in the coop. The video's a couple minutes long, and I can almost guarantee you'll be surprised to see a pea being so calm.

EDIT: Adding another video of me scrubbing under her wings. She thinks I am hiding treats from her, so she is grabbing at my hands *eyeroll*
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Oh you are very lucky! You have beautiful birds. I really like the markings on the pied hen too! I would have payed allot on her as well.
How precious is your little one.. she is adorable.. thanks for sharing..and their all awesome... and gorgeous, and love the markings as well.

C&Rman :

Oh you are very lucky! You have beautiful birds. I really like the markings on the pied hen too! I would have payed allot on her as well.

Ordered live birds? Or are you waiting on them to hatch?

And yeah... The guy who had her wanted $120 for her. I've never, in all the swaps I've been to, seen a pied female. There've been a few pied males, usually for 125 or 150, but not one single female. I came back to the stall like 15 times and pined after her... and he finally asked why I wasn't buying her. I told him I couldn't justify 120 no matter how gorgeous she was. He said how about $100 and so I just had to. Maybe if she'd had markings I didn't like quite as much I still could have walked away... but I'm a sucker. That and she's been even tempered so far and is teaching the others that the doghouse nesting box is not as terrifying as they all seemed to think it was when I put it in... so it's been worth it.​
Well you can say I ordered them. I just have been talking to a breeder and he is bringing them to me. They are yearlings. I am getting a....
Bronze Peacock
White Peahen
and a Purple Peahen. For $150.00 for all of them

I would have paid 100 for the pied. No one in my state has a pied hen and if they do I haven't found them yet
Ah, that's awesome about the yearlings. Hopefully you can find some matching colors later
Bronze pretty much doesn't exist where I am at, and I was surprised to find the opal when I did- but I suppose that was at the HUGE Indiana swap.

Pied are... hands down my favorite. I don't like totally white peafowl, and I could certainly be more fond of plain blue... but mash them together and I just can't help myself. Add her double-wing stripe pattern to her little head spot and I fall head over heels. As much as I love Osiris' personality, Aurora has her beat for looks.

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