My Pet Hospital In the Basement


8 Years
Aug 6, 2011
Pacific North West
Recently I started putting together an emergency pet hospital in the basement. It started bc I wanted to buy same more babies and my wife was adamant about NO more birds and put her foot down. When mommy is not happy neither is daddy. Since I set it up already decided to convert it to a chicken hospital in the event that there was ever a need it would be there and not to try and figure out something on the fly in the midst of the emergency. I have put a lot of work and effort over the last couple days and I tend to be over the top on everything. I even spent hours on the computer looking up from this site and others almost anything that was posted to accumulate it on the list. Now I am not saying I have all this. I did find it interesting enough of a topic to ask for some help to decipher what I think I should have and this list is everything I could find but not everything on this list is needed in a basement emergency room. I have the attitude to do for yourself and believe why pay someone else if you have what it takes and are also willing. Some don't have what it takes some do and not willing. I have both what it takes and willing so I have most of the basics and have provided and alpha list in 2 categories. #1 is Medicines and #2 supply's. I have the Kennel, Heat lamp, Chart and I cant believe it most of the medical supplies. I want your opinion of the medicines you may feel I a should acquire in a project like this.

Also I am interested as a separate thing, what you have done for yourself at home in terms of what I am wanting to do? What supply's, what medicines?

Here is the lists;

Phone numbers to all the "good" vets for chickens
A rabbit cage, dog kennel, with a waterer, feeder, bedding and a light in case of a "chicken emergency"
Build a dosage chart so you do not have to guess!!

Medicines for Emergency Medical Supply Kit

Alcohol or Alcohol Preps
Apple cider vinegar organic(health food store)
Aspirin – to mix in water
Baby Shampoo – No Tear Formula
Bag Balm – Cracked, dry legs or cracked or dry skin
Betadine/Iodine – for cleaning the wound
BluKote ointment and spray - Veterinary Antiseptic
Bottled water (2) and a Spray applicator
DE (Diatomaceous Earth) Food Grade
Durimicin - tetracycline hydrochloride antibiotic
Flys Off Spray or ointment - Fly repellent ointment for wounds & sores
Hydrogen Peroxide - General cleaning of wounds – ½ Hydrogen Peroxide & ½ Water
Ivermectin / Wazine – the 2 will kill most all common worms
Lactated Ringer's solution - avians and flushing wounds
Nitrofurazone (NFZ) Goop for wounds
Ophthalmic ointment - for scratched eyes, minor conjunctivitis.
Poultry electrolytes - for boosting the system
Rooster Booster - Prevents feather pulling and vent picking
Sevin dust for mites Powder + flea and tick stuff
Sodium Sulfamethazine for coccitosis
Stiptic powder - stops the bleeding
Sulmet / Corid – Coccidiosis and coryza for babies and other adult birds
TAO (Triple Antibiotic Ointment) - general cuts, scrapes scratches
Tegaderm dressing – heals burns and open wounds. Encourages granulation (healing/scabbing)
Terramycin oitment - antibiotic cream for the eyes
Vita Sol – liquid vitamins to boost and promote health
Wonder Dust - dressing powder & blood coagulant for certain types of wounds

Tools for Emergency Medical Supply

Cotton balls, and the flat round ones
Cuticle scissors
Disposable Rubber Gloves
Fingernail clippers
Glass Jars to make up stuff in
Heat lamp
Ice pack
Maxi-pads (they're clean and absorb a lot of blood from wounds - no joke)
Medicine dropper
Paint-stirring sticks (bigger splints)
Paper towels - you can throw them away, and they're clean
Popsicle sticks
Protective Wound Dressing vet wrap - Sports tape – Breathable Band-Aids
Scissors (Large)
Scissors (Small)
Smock or something to wear when handling ill birds
Super Glue – skin tears or flopping skin
Suturing materials (surgical needles and thread)
Syringes - for inject-able medications and irrigation of wounds I use diabetic syringes needle are small
Thermometer Digital
Trash Can

If all else fails;
Axe and Shovel & Quick Lime
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Banguard – is for MG-respitory
tylan 100 -You may have it wrong- its tylan 50 or 200 for respitory issues

Um, no Oragel, please! If I recall, that contains benzocaine, and any "caine" anesthetic can be fatal to birds! Nix anything of that sort ASAP!

In addition, tea tree is also fatal to birds if ingested. It is also very aromatic so in strong concentrations, just breathing it can cause issues.
Thank you to all that participate.

It is easier to remove questionable items than keep them, after all I am looking for a legitimate list that will help myself and others without distorting the facts or just trying to make an impressive list. The idea here is to create a useful list that can be eventually printed and put in a safe place next to the hospital for functional use.

Tylan was removed totally
Tea Tree oil removed and completely understand the toxic nature as well as
Oragel and it odor effects on birds
Banguard I did some extensive search after it being questioned and did not even find it in

THX guys
I use a "caine" on my prolapsed hen - did the first time without knowing any better and she was just fine. Why is it fatal??

Great and thorough list! Wish you were my neighbor!
The concentration of the "caine" product may have something to do with it, and it also may depend on the type wound, if it got into the bloodstream, etc. Just because you dodged a bullet once doesn't mean you should ever, as a matter or course, apply anything with benzocaine or lidocaine on avian species.

Tea tree oil can have a use with chickens, but it must be used very, very sparingly, if at all. For example, when we periodically sand our roosts, I put vegetable oil in a bowl and oil them with a rag. In that bowl, I put one or two drops of tea tree oil. It is a bug deterrent, but one or two drops in a bowlful, applied and rubbed into the wooden roosts to soak in all day before they go to roost that night is not the same as rubbing it onto wattles and comb of your chickens, around their nares and in high circulation areas.
WoW speckledhen speckled hen that is really good info for making the example you realize how little it needed to disinfect a roosting bar. I love the straight dope with no punches pulled
and Thank you for clearing up the "Tea Tree Oil"! Still removed it from my list because of the info you introduced. There are other ways to clean the roosting bars in the sleeper.
No offence but over 90% of the stuff you have on your list you do not need.

Iv had poultry for 35 year and never had to have most of the stuff you have listed.

I keep about 25 items on hand at all time and they are what I use for all the animals on the farm and our one use.

Sulmet Liquid
Propplene Glycol
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin K
Rooster Booster (poultry cell)
Pine Tar
Betadine Solution
Sevin Dust
30 cc syringe
6 cc syringes
20 g/ 3/4 Needles
Dubbing Scissors
Vet Rap
Adhesive Tape
Gauze Pads

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