My Rabbits wont breed

Silkie Style

In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2016
The other day I discovered the genders of my two rabbits, a boy and a girl, I have not yet spayed them in hope that they might breed. We got them last summer and they should of reached their optinum stage of fertility, sadly they seem to be confused. I have my female rabbit on top of my male. This could just be a sign of dominance but I have never seen them get it the right way round, or it may be a possibility that I have confused their genders and it is correct, but surely my female rabbit would be pregnant by now due to the long lenght of time this has been occuring.
I am stuck and need some advice.
Your probably confused on the sex of the rabbits. Once they have bred they need to be separated. If they breed again after 12 hours, the doe can become pregnant in both horns which can lead to miscarriage, abortion, and or giving birth to blobs.
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The other day I discovered the genders of my two rabbits, a boy and a girl, I have not yet spayed them in hope that they might breed. We got them last summer and they should of reached their optinum stage of fertility, sadly they seem to be confused. I have my female rabbit on top of my male. This could just be a sign of dominance but I have never seen them get it the right way round, or it may be a possibility that I have confused their genders and it is correct, but surely my female rabbit would be pregnant by now due to the long lenght of time this has been occuring.
I am stuck and need some advice.

Rabbits will usually breed if kept together in less than 6 months of age---even just 4 months old. If yours are together and have not bred---I would double check their gender.
The other day I discovered the genders of my two rabbits, a boy and a girl, I have not yet spayed them in hope that they might breed. We got them last summer and they should of reached their optinum stage of fertility, sadly they seem to be confused. I have my female rabbit on top of my male. This could just be a sign of dominance but I have never seen them get it the right way round, or it may be a possibility that I have confused their genders and it is correct, but surely my female rabbit would be pregnant by now due to the long lenght of time this has been occuring.
I am stuck and need some advice.

If you confirm their genders and that's not the issue, it's also possible that they just don't like each other and won't breed. I raise rabbits and have had a doe and buck that simply didn't like each other and would not breed. Fortunately, I had other partners these two preferred, but the adage about "breeding like rabbits" doesn't always hold true.

The behavior of the doe mounting the buck sounds like she's interested, but he may not yet know what to do or how to do it properly...I know, that seems counterintuitive, but I've seen it happen. I find that witnessing three "falls offs" by the buck is a solid indicator that he's done his job and my does have always kindled afterward. You need to see it happen - some people put the rabbits together for a period and assume the breeding has occurred, but sometimes they just hang out together.

Good luck!
Are you sure they are the genders you think? Have they lived together their whole life? Are you sure the supposed female wasn't spayed before you got her, and/or that the male hasn't been neutered without your knowledge? Although rabbits don't always "breed like rabbits," the doe should have been bred by now if she has no reproductive problem and the male is fertile. If they have been living together their whole life, I suppose it is possible that the buck is so used to the doe that he doesn't want to breed (although I think that is unlikely). Or, is their life constantly stressful, leading to the doe routinely getting pregnant but absorbing/aborting kits?

It is not abnormal for does to mount bucks. This may be a sign of dominance and/or that the doe really wants to get bred.
I know I may of mixed the genders up but they are constantly breeding so there must be somthing going on. Once i see them breed another 3 times is it recomeded to split the rabbits up? How can I know for certain that my rabbit is pregnant? Any clues?
I know I may of mixed the genders up but they are constantly breeding so there must be somthing going on. Once i see them breed another 3 times is it recomeded to split the rabbits up? How can I know for certain that my rabbit is pregnant? Any clues?

If you seen them breed then the one on bottom is pregnant and should be removed.
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I know I may of mixed the genders up but they are constantly breeding so there must be somthing going on. Once i see them breed another 3 times is it recomeded to split the rabbits up? How can I know for certain that my rabbit is pregnant? Any clues?

I track mine by weight. Haven't yet managed palpating correctly, but my doe is up half a pound in two weeks, so that's a great indicator.

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