My Rooster laid an egg!!!

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This is not possible the only possibility is that your 'rooster' was a hen at one point and one of her ovaries was damaged and there was a spike in her testosterone and reverted to a rooster and now she is reverting to a hen again and laid an egg.
This is not possible the only possibility is that your 'rooster' was a hen at one point and one of her ovaries was damaged and there was a spike in her testosterone and reverted to a rooster and now she is reverting to a hen again and laid an egg.
This is not possible the only possibility is that your 'rooster' was a hen at one point and one of her ovaries was damaged and there was a spike in her testosterone and reverted to a rooster and now she is reverting to a hen again and laid an egg.
This is not possible the only possibility is that your 'rooster' was a hen at one point and one of her ovaries was damaged and there was a spike in her testosterone and reverted to a rooster and now she is reverting to a hen again and laid an egg.
This is not possible the only possibility is that your 'rooster' was a hen at one point and one of her ovaries was damaged and there was a spike in her testosterone and reverted to a rooster and now she is reverting to a hen again and laid an egg.
I believe it , because some of our families said that their rooster laid an egg and it is tiny , also i read before that the rooster lay an egg once a life .
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Yes a rooster can lay an egg husband went out to the coop this morning and noticed that one of our young roosters was laying in the coop and was not moving he was concerned so he brought him up on the deck we put a tray of food and a tray of water in front of him my husband had to go to work I had things I had to do so our son sat here and he kept an eye on the rooster throughout the day to make sure no animals were getting to him and make sure he was still alive as he looked in very bad shape with my husband first took him out of the coop on my way home from my running I called my husband and he told me that our son went outside to check on the rooster and the rooster had laid an egg there is no way a hen could have did it as he was on the deck and the hens and the rest of the roosters were all in the chicken coop and the chicken run that they can't get out of so I'm sorry I realize a male cannot give birth to a human baby but there are cases where a rooster can lay an egg
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Yes this is true it is rare but true a rooster can lay an egg I had a rooster that I watched lay a huge egg I could not understand why he was sitting in the nest box until one day,I looked watched and waited.He did the egg song and popped out an egg he still was a rooster.So, I don't know, but I searched and searched and I did find an article on it so if you keep searching you'll find something explain how it happens. I've also had hens Crow. Whose hands are long gone as is the rooster and I just began a new Venture with poultry. I have 2 speckled Sussex 1 begin to look like a rooster and sure enough he turned into a rooster so I have a breeding pair now which is nice! And1 Production Red. I'm waiting for them to lay eggs and it's taking forever and all I could think about it before everyone wanted to lay them! I think it's 6 months now when lady online said read them a story at night,end story with a chicken recipe and they will start laying! I am prophesying now, to my hens,lay an egg!(♡)
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