My rooster tried to attack me.

My roo would go after my feet if i was wearing my red crocs. He seemed only threatened by the red shoes because he would come up and hang out on the deck rail every morning and let me pick him right up...a bit of disconnect with anything not at eye level. Anyhow, I would grab him and hold him upside down on the ground for a few minutes right there, or spray him with water if it was available at that moment. He learned pretty quick.
He probably thought that you shoes were a strange rooster, because of the red.
I have 21 hens and 2 roosters - the Silver Gray Dorking, Duke, is HUGE and definitely the alpha of the flock. I got all of them as day old chicks.

As a little peep, Duke was a sweetheart. He would climb up in my lap and sleep, follow me around, and never minded being picked up. He began crowing at 6 weeks and VERY quickly outgrew the others. He started becoming protective of the girls pretty early - and less affectionate towards me. Which I accepted - I appreciated his role and that he took it so seriously. At about 4 months old, I was cleaning out the coop and it REALLY REALLY upset him for some reason. I clean it every week, but this time, he stood at my feet bawkiing and clucking VERY loudly. All of a sudden, he came at me sideways - and before he knew what happened, I snatched him up and tucked him under my arm. He was NOT happy. But I had Rooster Red's page and he suggested this method - and it worked! I carried Duke around while I cleaned for about 5 minutes. When I put him down, he was extremely humble. And he has not come at me or fussed at me like that since.

Make sure he knows YOU are the alpha. And I agree that if he doesn't "get it" - either make him stew or find him another home.

I have a bantam Seabright. We got him as a teenager. His name is Bocephus. He has been doing really well at adjusting to his new home. We have had him now about a month. This past weekend my niece caught him doing his rooster thing with one of our 20 week olds. She laid her first egg today, 2 days ago He flogged me, then again yesterday. Each time I had on black pants which I have not worn around him until both "incidents" so I am pretty sure he did not like the dark color. I promptly let him know I am boss. The first time it happened, he did it when I was not looking, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it was him and what he did, based on his proximity. The next time it happened he did it face on and I saw it coming, I was ready for him so I "pecked him" with my finger nails on his chest and pushed him at the same time, he started to come at me again so I gave him a little smack with two or three fingers-nothing hard mind you-just enough to show him I knew what he was up to. The next day I went out in Khaki's and he was just fine, no signs of attack. So I really think a lot has to do with colors.
The water bottle is used to squirt the offending roo. He doesn't like ir very much. Today I went in without it and he tried to have another go at me so I went back in with the water and a broom. (as suggested by someone yesterday) that worked to as he just keept looking at me. So here's hoping it works.
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I have a Polish that I couldn't be sure was a cock. Yesterday, he came at my red PJ pants. I gave him a launch. Guess he's a cock. Looks like I'll be hatching some more Polish in the Spring.

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