My serama breeding, and showing project!

Shah n Pete lol youngsters

hi Sally.
If I wasnt having issues with fert I would offer eggs to get you youngsters started, but its not worth trying until we figure the roo issue out!

Youngster??? Thanks.  I'm 62 and I've been raising birds since I was 14. Youngster..That's rather nice to hear; been feeling old lately.
but if you want to be youngster I can call you Youngin
4 serama out during my snooze, other three are DIS like I said, I killed them I am sure having them in lockdown 6 plus days not good

4 serama out during my snooze, other three are DIS like I said, I killed them I am sure having them in lockdown 6 plus days not good

Awe Cuties! Do you have any Sugestions for hydrometer/Thermometer? I need another one for my incubator, I have to get it Together before spring

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