My turkey isnt feeling well


11 Years
Jul 26, 2012
This morning my 5 month old narragansett was moapy and slow with his head tucked close to his chest, not interested in food not even his apples when I brought himm a treat. He sips on water and lays around still communicating with everyone and will get up and move when everyone starts getting rough and chasing each other. When I come into the pen he will come to me and lay close to me, the first time I wrapped my arms around him and he layed his head on my shoulder like he was giving me a hug and was lightly peeping at me
like he was saying " mommy I dont feel good"
I gotta help, does anyone have any ideas????
Anybody got any ideas???

I was thinking maybe treating with sulmet, should I wait since I am re worming tomorrow?
Yes I know alot of people choose corrid but sulmet has always done good for me and it is what I have.
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Can you separate him (so long as they can see the rest of the flock they don't stress further) nearby? I'd want to know some more before treatment. However, prophylactic dosing with the Sulmet probably can't hurt. Would want to see droppings, how much he is actually eating, development of more specific symptoms (if any). It has been raining pretty heavily, in Cent. MO., for first time since June - do your turks range at all? Any unusual fungus, etc. `sprouting'?

Is he in run with other males? Sometimes, jakes will spar until the loser spends the following week with head hung to the ground, moping and lying about by self (avoiding the winners).
No other symptoms. He seems to be stuck to me like glue when I go in pen. I have not seen poo although I have been cheering one on everytime I go in there
... He will stand in there with eyes closed but not for too long. He will groom himself, and walk around. He has been taking a couple bites of feed and moving on. He is laying around alot. When that rain came fri and sat it completely saturated the run and the coop, yea I found leaks I never knew existed. But I acted fast to dry the coop and remove wet bedding. They do all free range together in the evening. I have 3 jakes and 2 jennys. He has always been top dog so I dont think he was over run but who knows what happens behind closed doors. I know that whenever I kneel and he comes to me and I put my arms around him one of the females will come and peck his head and get very angry and he just tucks his head under my arm pleading with her. So would treating with sulmet be ok even with the retreat of safeguard tomorrow??? Oh and I dont have a way to seperate him and keep him in close range my portable pen got destroyed....
Don't bother with the Safeguard (unless you're treated for an ID'ed infestation). Try the Sulmet and see if you can't get him to eat some crushed hard boiled eggs/meal worms (moths with do), just to keep feed intake up. Since you can't isolate him, keep a weather eye out for any others slowing down/all puffed up with feathers akimbo looking puny. Check droppings if possible.
Droppings all seem normal, alittle more green than usual but consistancey is the same. I was worming for round worms that I found in the poo, so went ahead with the retreat this morning.
Last night he foraged alittle with the others. He moved around slow but never stopped or layed down. I let my birds out at around 5 every evening to range till roosting. Every morning I feed them some moistened feed and of course everyone goes crazy for it, he ate this morning and went over and got some scratch and got some grit and water. He looks alot better this morning but I am going to keep my eye on him. Is there any possiblity that its the weather? I know silly question, no one else seems down at all, we were having nice days here in MO then it rained like crazy and humidity shot up.
Hope the improvement continues!

Weather tends to affect our entire flock. When sun came back out the other day - much hopping around/short flights (instead of `hoofing it') from one favorite foraging location to another.
He is still eating, but just kind of droopy. No one else is acting this way. I have not given any meds other than the retreat on the worming. I also have antibiotic, maybe this would be better to give?

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