my very own micro farm

I couldn't imagine pins. This is uncomfortable enough. Recovery of my dexterity with this hand will be interesting, two contact points with how i hold my knife no longer exist. For now tho its just a day at a time. Check ups in a week to see where progress is.
Knew a bass player that lost tips of his left fingers, he figured out how to play again, so..... you will too ;-)
My dad had lost the tips of two of his fingers too. Funny thing is, all these years later, I can't tell you which two. (He passed years ago) As a little girl, I never noticed it interfering with his farming/welding/ranching chores. I do recall he said he wasn't eligible for the draft tho.
On a separate note, was that a dark Cornish meat bird mixed in with your flock?
Really appreciate all the support from everyone. Definitely helps with my cabin, fever feel like ive only been off the property 3 times in the last 3 weeks.
I'm certain things will work out I didn't loose that much after all. It could have been more. It just sucks.

@chipper chicken the small black chickens are actually some bantams I picked up from Sacramento from @SilkiesForEver. 2 d'uccle oegb xs and a straight blood oegb. They are great and super social. 1 pure roo and 1 cross roo and hen. Definitely plan on getting more now. These ones are pets for sure tho I do cull for meat within my flocks.

Have a new guest on the property that's been making himself right at home. Just outside the kitchen window.


This was the one that's been circling the outer edge of the property for some time. He's managed to fill out a bit but I've been talked out of eating him :)
I'll just keep thinking long term and see his relatives down the road.
As always onwards and upwards
New man on the property lol. Getting challenged by a 1lb rooster is pretty adorable.

And here's one of my hens in the worst molt I've seen with the flock. Her sister isn't far behind either.

Mornings really just started so we'll see what other one handed trouble we can get into. ;)
Onward and upward
I've read through this whole thread in the last few days, and have loved it! So sorry to hear about your fingers- I hope your recovery is quick! A little down time can be good too.
How many birds do you have now?
@shodack thanks for checking it all out. Staying positive and trying to keep things moving forward. Check up is in a few days and everything feels like its going the right way. Always gotta find the good in the bad, and nothing beats spending the last few weeks solid with my little girl.
As far as the birds go we are up to 43 (10 of which are ducks) with two big cockerals and a drake aimed for the block by the end of the year. Keeping the number around 50 for now. Also planning on another few hatches in the spring as long as I have a few broodys that will cooperate.
off for now
Onwards and upwards
Woot woot. I can move my fingers separately again, still bandaged up pretty good. Visit went well, they pulled most of the stitches out and the doctor said everything looked like it was supposed to.

On to chickens news. My ee boys are working their way towards the chopping block. Starting to get more aggressive with the hens and each other along with chasing the bantams around. Definitely won't tolerate that aggression.
Qberts duck diaper we ordered showed up and is just slightly to big so on the porch she stays to fatten up until its snug enough she doesn't pull it off.
And of all things its super cloudy here so I'm hoping for rain. Forecast calls for a 50% chance, that's a copout, its like the guy saying 'it might rain it might not'.
Here's to the coming rain. Lol.
Onwards and upwards
Well so much for rain. Got a light drizzle late evening, just enough to knock the dust off of things. Nothing exciting but the chickens are happy to pick around in it. Not much else going on today.
Stay busy, I'm not. Lol
Onward and upward

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