my very own micro farm

Certainly feel like I fell of the face of the earth. Can't believe it's been 20 days since I've posted. So much can happen in that time for anyone.
Things have been interesting here to say the least.
I'll start off with the hand..
Physical therapy is going well and I'm getting a lot of movement back in my fingers, or at least what's left of them. :) as for my soul, I'm going a little stir crazy being forceably homebodied. Manage to get out a few times a week in part to "consult"on my bosses soccer team, 5-7 yr olds. Lol. They are a blast. Between that the P.T. and a bit of shopping for dinner here and there helps.

Now that I got me out of the way onto the chickens....
I've been having quite a few problems with predators but no losses.
2 very large raccoons have been lurking off and on around the edge of the property, tho with the recent rain I think they've headed back towards the creek down the hill.
1 fox possibly more unless he's super fast. And I can't help but ask "what does the fox say?" He had a lot to say next to the pumphouse in the field adjacent to ours in the wee hoThe. The Miss' ran out to the fence line with the crow caller and made some outlandish noises of her own with the anticipated outcome. Haven't heard or seen much since that first night.
The hawks of been numerous and rampant, it seems the adults have better plans for their days but the juveniles have been getting agressive, one actually had an austrolorp pinned in a bush but couldn't get to it due to its own inability to access the interior of the bush. Her scared calls and my dog losing it on the line had me running and that bit of death from above flying off empty taloned before I was within 20 feet of it. This was the closest call, the rest have been high in the sky or tops of the bullpines, but they like the others in the past will learn to move on.
The last and largest so far has been one very hungry coyote. The 1st of 3 instances so far(all during the day) was the fence line of my backyard with both the wife and her friend outside, the Miss' was actually the one to chase him off. The ******* was literally 2 feet from a couple of my hens that wouldnt turn their backs to him only separated by an old and outdated wire ranch fence. The 2nd two instances were both the same day and started with my dog barking like armegeddon started. I ran outside just in time to see the sneaky devil jump the fence in the far corner of the property. Never enough time to double back for the .22. He was out of sight when I came back out but the dog knew he was still around...
Less than 3 hours later he came back to the original location, which I've figured out is a blind spot for the dog, this time however he was confronted by 3 of my 4 roaming roosters. They were louder than the hens for sure and gave my friend a chance to step out and chase it of again. Seriously want this thing dead.

Still not much happening with the projects, tho my hand is improving so we'll see soon. I do need to keep it dry still and we've actually had a decent bit of wet weather. I just hope it all doesn't come at once. With my downtime I've had a bt of a scrying eye towards the work I've done and am already seeing areas in need of vast improvement.

To the slow months. Lol. Guess I didn't imagine my they would be spent like this.

As always.
Onwards and upwards
I'm sorry to hear the news on the preditors... Raccoons are nasty beasts that can damage your dogs.. My pitbull got into it with a family. She succeeded in keeping our flock safe but got pretty tore up. Now I don't hesitate to go out there. Sending you happy and fast healing thoughts!!! We need you to teach us. Although fall and winter has seemed the slow us down as well. Stay strong, my friend.
Forgot to add... I have a family of crows that have claimed my yard, a family of blues and starlings that help protect my girls from the three eagles that use our sky as home... My yard has literally become a bird haven for all sorts of tiny birds... It has worked out so far but not the greatest for me since I have a bird phobia. Lol
Wicked storm last night. The chickens always look so miserable when they are drenched. The ducks on the other hand, they love this weather. Finding every puddle to play in. To adorable. A friend asked if they would be alright with it coming down like it was and without skipping a beat I said of course they are they're weather proof. Lol. I know that's all within reason but it suits for here. Waiting til it warms up a bit before I head out to shake the last bits of rain from the new tarps. Back to the warm and cozy. Good day to you all.

Onwards and upwards
That's cool your setting eggs. I need to get an incubator or make one. A lot of opportunity passes by because I'm waiting for broody hens. How did you faire the weather? Eggs coming along OK? I occasionally toss an egg or two over the fence for the crows and employ the crow caller but alas they come and go as they please.

Hope this post finds everyone who's still following doing well. I know I haven't been as active but missing some bits will do that. We are actually closing in on the year marker for the start of this thread which is kind of exciting. Feel like I should do something for it. Idk. We'll see, maybe at least do something for the birds. Lol.

Glad we've all made it this far and am looking forward to many projects to come. Thank you all for continuing to read the ramblings of this bird brained enthusiast.

Onwards and upwards
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That's cool your setting eggs. I need to get an incubator or make one. A lot of opportunity passes by because I'm waiting for broody hens. How did you faire the weather? Eggs coming along OK? I occasionally toss an egg or two over the fence for the crows and employ the crow caller but alas they come and go as they please.

Hope this post finds everyone who's still following doing well. I know I haven't been as active but missing some bits will do that. We are actually closing in on the year marker for the start of this thread which is kind of exciting. Feel like I should do something for it. Idk. We'll see, maybe at least do something for the birds. Lol.

Glad we've all made it this far and am looking forward to many projects to come. Thank you all for continuing to read the ramblings of this bird brained enthusiast.

Onwards and upwards
I imagine typing would be a trial at the least...maybe you're on phone and use thumbs anyway.....
......or regular keyboard would be good fine motor PT, if you can use that much pressure on the new 'tips' healing up.
I know this is not a disease thread. However, I also know this thread has people full of good knowledge!!! I'm desperate!! I can't seem to find very much information about Aaron factions. My copper Moran o I can't seem to find very much information about Ear infections. My CM cockerel is about 10 weeks old. He is absolutely the best Cockerel I have ever hatched! I noticed this when he was sitting on my lap on Tuesday. I've been treating it myself up until now. I'm pretty worried!! There are no vets around here that deal with chickens. I have brought him in 3x a day. I start with Hydron peroxide then I flush it with Saline and cover it with Neosporin. He's scratching at it tearing off any hair near his eye and ear. Very red! I'm going to post the pictures from Tuesday and then post pictures when I pull him inside to clean his ear today. Any information would be wonderful I do not want to lose him!
i was able to clean the blood off. He now has a chunk in his ear yellowish color. I'm scared I'll pull his ear drum out. I read somewhere on BYC that's what happened to there hen. It's very hard! I'm trying to loosen it up. I don't know the Antomy of a Chickens ear. Ugh! I'm stressed & worried!!!!!! I'll get more pictures in a hour or so.
This is the heathy ear.
this was Wednesday

I have also been rubbing Vaseline on his comb and wattles. He enjoys it! He also has not put up any fight. He knows I'm helping
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