My youngest, Lydia age 5 is on a strike..


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
she refuses to eat ANYTHING with EGGS...
if she sees me making anything w/eggs in it..she boycotts it...
she REFUSES to eat any scrambled eggs, overeasy etc...

its been about 1 month now..right after we got the chicks...
seriously she was my biggest egg eater!!!

Not sure whats up w/that....
is it possible that since you got the chicks, she equates eggs with chicks and feels like she's "killing a chick" if she eats eggs? Maybe you could explain in terms she can understand that there is no chick in unincubated eggs.
Yu could just always give it some time, children that age sometimes go on a stretch of liking/not liking foods.

What about things like cake or muffins that contain eggs?
I dont know..we've talked to her about it and have explained that these are NOT baby chickie eggs etc..

she just wont do it...
cakes/muffins..if she doesnt see me put it in..yes...if she walks in when I'm putting it in..NO
I have an 8 year old doing the same thing. She will eat them from the lady who does not have a roo just not from mine. I am hoping for the sake of my Roos that she gets over it. Its been several months though. You learn to work around it.
Our son Jack is 5 and he has done the same thing. He stopped eating eggs as soon as they started laying them. He is in his second year of preschool and they have an incubator. He ate eggs after watching them hatch last year at school. No problem there. If he doesn't want to eat them I am not making him. He was also vegetarian for awhile and we just let him eat what he wanted to. Who knows what goes on in their little heads! He'll start eating them again when he wants to I figure.
Probably a phase. Even some adults won't eat eggs once they associate them with a living animal or see where they come from.
Somtimes If Kids know their friend/besites dont like somthing. they wont like it either. i was like that w. my best friend but it wasent w. Eggs it was w. tomatoes (which i still do not eat).

Good luck :)

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