Mystery from Strombergs


11 Years
Jun 7, 2008
Scappoose Oregon
my order was supposed to be all pullets but this is looking like a cockrel and I can't figure out the breed. It was a solid black chick now at a month old it's getting brown lacing. Pushy little snot too. I had to isolate him from his same age mates. Straight comb, black legs. Any ideas?
It could be a black sex link pullet. I've noticed the sex links seem to get their combs earlier than the purebreds I have raised...Dark Cornish can have the lacing show up too, although they are't solid black as chicks...but I don't know anything else about them in particular =/
It could be a black sex link pullet. I've noticed the sex links seem to get their combs earlier than the purebreds I have raised...Dark Cornish can have the lacing show up too, although they are't solid black as chicks...but I don't know anything else about them in particular =/
I think you might be right. If it is then it's not a cockrel just a pullet with an attitude problem

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