Mystery to me!


8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
Shelby Ohio
8156428D-4B7D-49D8-B0DF-2CA16B62022B.jpeg 048F6B21-52DC-459D-ADA7-80B5C0AC82AD.jpeg 1070B8D6-F013-4CBF-B7EB-11BF75F6C618.jpeg Several months ago my husband was working in the yard when he called out to me about one of the chickens being over in the side yard all alone. I asked which one? He replied the red with white tail. Not recognizing that description for any of our girls, I went to see. Apparently someone dumped this bird off here because it wasn’t one of ours. So it has been here since but has us confused as to what it is. I think rooster, hubby says hen. It has never crowed or laid an egg. And still does not mingle with the flocks buts stays in coop all the time alone. Seems healthy, eats well, poops ok, active. I have never seen any of ours bully it. I named it Gypsy. So, what gender/breed?
Good pictures of the saddle and back areas would help. This bird is a little confusing, but I I'm going with cockerel because of the massive red comb and wattles. Odd that it hasn't crowed yet, and doesn't seem to have saddle feathers.

I think it is either a production red or red sex link cross. The tail feathers look laced, which is very unusual on a mostly red chicken.
RIR ancestry for sure. I'm going to wager there's some rock in there, too.
I would keep him, personally. Always love a quiet roo :D
From what I can tell, he has Mahogany and dominant white genes. The white is taking the place of all black.
I'm gonna guess he is RIR over white rock. I've seen RIRxWhite Leghorn and neither the males nor females turned out like him. And RIR over RIW makes the typical red sex link.

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