Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Lol so that is why the wires are getting crossed up! It is hard to find information on Whiting stock besides their fly tie stock.

It is very hard to get single comb blue/green egger segregates out of pea combed colored egg layers. So it was "evident" since the pictures of your two hens showed single and the AB showed pea, they were surely "separate" for this reason. Did not think of multiple lines with differing traits. My bad.

Thanks for the info.

Sorry I wasn't more specific originally. I tend to give too many details and here I didn't give enough. The blue egg layers seem to come in 2 different color types - B/B/S and chipmunk colored chicks. And they all have muffs. Here is my other blue egg layer.

And a bin of the chicks at Murdochs this spring

The green egg layers are single combed with yellow legs. And you're right that you can very much see the leghorn influence. But mine are quite friendly hens and easy to handle. Here is a bin of those chicks -

The hens are small enough; maybe I could cross them with some bantam NNs for green egg laying, single combed, NN bantams? Maybe add silkie for dark skin! LOL!
Oooooo....are you talking about the Brinsea Octagon? If so, this is a definite consideration for me.

And I remember your Dark Cornish x NN crosses. Impressive birds!

Yes, the Brinsea. If you're interested, I'll approach the pseudo-owners and see if they really have any need for it. As well as the homemade ones work, I can't imagine them needing. One of many good things to be said about the homemade ones, if something goes wrong, they can be fixed in 5 minutes, usually by replacing an inexpensive element. They have basically the same 'innards' as the big expensive commercially built jobbies but the parts are buried under everything, requiring an MIT Grad to deal with it.

If they will let it go, I know the price because I PAID for the DAMMMed thing. $300 US plus shipping. Just let me know and I get them at dinner and discuss the pros and cons of selling it (more money for them to throw at chicks) or keeping it and having it dry-rot in the living room
I just recently purchased 4 Naked neck chicks from a local breeder, and so far I am very impressed with them. I especially like their docile personality's. I have a few questions though, how cold hardy are they? And whats their egg production like?

Welcome to the NN lovers group! LOL! They are especially sweet, friendly birds and I think you'll grow to really love them. My NNs pullets just started laying in late May/ early June. I've got six girls laying and right now, in the hottest, most miserable part of summer, and I'm getting 4-5 eggs per day. One of my green egg layers laid 21 days straight before taking one day off and getting right back to it. Their eggs started out quite small at about 1.2 ounces, but now that they've all got at least a solid month of experience their eggs are averaging 1.45 ounces and continuing to get bigger each week. They don't lay as well as my Australorps and Barred Rock girls, but they're not running as far behind in egg production as I had expected.
I have a simple guestion, I guess.. Do the naked necks have less feathers on their whole body comparing to the non naked necks or they just don't have feathers on their necks?
Thank you draye and DesertChic, I sure hope so! They are only a few weeks old, but so far I am very impressed with them. I read back a few pages, and I'm really enjoying all the pictures of the naked neck crosses. Anyone crossed NN's with Wyandottes? I'm going to have to try an Easter Egger, Naked Neck cross now, since I have both breeds.
I'm hoping for 2 hens and 2 cockerels so I'll have a trio, plus an extra cockerel to try out on the table.
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I have a simple guestion, I guess.. Do the naked necks have less feathers on their whole body comparing to the non naked necks or they just don't have feathers on their necks?

Most definitely! Plucking takes half the time! Mine have fewer feathers along their breasts, backs and under their wings...not just at the necks.
Thank you draye and DesertChic, I sure hope so! They are only a few weeks old, but so far I am very impressed with them. I read back a few pages, and I'm really enjoying all the pictures of the naked neck crosses. Anyone crossed NN's with Wyandottes? I'm going to have to try an Easter Egger, Naked Neck cross now, since I have both breeds. :D I'm hoping for 2 hens and 2 cockerels so I'll have a trio, plus an extra cockerel to try out on the table. :)  


Here's one of mine that laid a green egg, she was actually 1/4 Easter Egger and 3/4 Naked Neck even though her mother didn't have a naked neck.
Yep. At least from my observations.

Most definitely! Plucking takes half the time! Mine have fewer feathers along their breasts, backs and under their wings...not just at the necks.

Well that explains lot of things! I have only one naked neck hen and she has whole back and tops of wings naked from rooster, while all the other hens are almost fully feathered.

Today I found one of my hens dead in the coop. She was right under the roost with no wounds or anything similar. Yesterday she laid a perfectly shaped egg. I don't know what happened. Maybe these heats were to much for her.

I also want to know if somebody crossed a wyandotte with naked neck. I realy started to like wyandotte body tipe and I looove the rose comb.
Just when I think I know my NN flock they go and do something to perplex me. It seems that one of my brown egg-laying girls occasionally lays a green egg. My girls have been especially happy and productive this week with all of them giving me eggs each day...always three brown, one rose and two green. Then suddenly yesterday it was two brown, one rose and three green.

I have no idea who my little chameleon layer is, but have it whittled down to four possibilities. Now if they would just cooperate with my investigation and confess!...LOL!

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