Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Little Serama Nn cockerel.


That is the cutest chick ever!
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Quick question - what's the easiest way to weigh a large (live) chicken? I tried get a weight on my Label Rouge rooster last night but he wasn't real appreciative of my attempt to put him in a bucket and hang from a fish scale method. It looked like around 13 - 14lbs (at 5 months) which seems about right.
The naked neck pullets are all about 5 lbs at 17 weeks. I need to put thme in a pen where I can monitor their egg laying and size since they should be laying very soon. Lately they've been joining my little banty cochin rooster on top of a hoop house every morning.

All but one of my chickens (a cockerel) are very sweet and friendly and don't mind being held, so I use the method of first weighing myself alone, then hold the bird and step on the scale again and subtract my weight from our combined weights. The bird doesn't squirm around and mess with the reading that way. It's a bit tedious, but it gets the job done.
We do the same thing as desertchick. We use a bathroom scale and then weigh ourselves with the birds. We to got a new scale for the house and now have one that lives in the barn. Some of the calmer birds will just stand on the scale by themselves. It is accurate for anything over a pound.
So today I went out and thought I could take some pics to show you guys my one and only turken




On one of the pictures you can see my latest project- headless chicken.
All but one of my chickens (a cockerel) are very sweet and friendly and don't mind being held, so I use the method of first weighing myself alone, then hold the bird and step on the scale again and subtract my weight from our combined weights. The bird doesn't squirm around and mess with the reading that way. It's a bit tedious, but it gets the job done.

I'll pick up a bathroom scale ands give that a try. The smaller ones will stand on a kitchen food scale but he's long since outgrown that. Thanks!

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