Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I am loving this frizzled NN! I have a young flock of frizzled Easter Eggers that I'm looking forward to breeding with my NNs for this very reason. They are so cute! Just look at this bird makes me smile!
I totally agree! Frizzed anything wasn't remotely anywhere near my plans or thoughts, but this actually has me wanting to do this. Just because...

And she's big!

- Ant Farm
Some pics, these were taken a few days ago, but I just got them resized for posting

Phylis is a little out of focus, but couldn't get many good shots of her

Whats up??????????

@Kassaundra. I sure enjoy your pictures. Wished I could get some good shots if mine, but alas I was not a born photographer. I got the quote down to these two shots. I really like tge coloring of these two hens. I'm guessing that it came from the Mottled Houdan in their ancestry.
@Kassaundra I never tire of the photos you post and I always have to call my son in to look at your scaleless NNs. I know they're chickens, but they still look more like little Velociraptors to me. Love them! And your feathered ones are pretty too. Thanks for sharing!
@Kassaundra . I sure enjoy your pictures. Wished I could get some good shots if mine, but alas I was not a born photographer.

I got the quote down to these two shots. I really like tge coloring of these two hens. I'm guessing that it came from the Mottled Houdan in their ancestry.

Yes, the Houdan mark is definitely in my flock.
I also took some pics today, hope you guys can tell me what color are the darker girl and the boy. I also took some pics of old black one.










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