Naked Neck/Turken Thread



Hen r rooster there 4 months old
Wow naked chickens is that a genetic mutation or is that how a nn mults how are they kept in winter

It is a genetic mutation, however not specific to NN, though mine are genetic NN. It is not molting though frizzles seem to come close in molting. I make them wool sweaters modified from people sweaters, I doubt they could survive winter outside in much colder climate then we have in eastern Oklahoma though.
I think I got my first green egg from my 19 week old turken/legbar pullet yesterday.  Today I'll be stalking the nest boxes to find out for sure!  :D

I now have two Naked Neck hens that lay green eggs. Although I'm but pursuing the green egg layers anymore I'll still use the eggs for hatching. They'll gradually will turn to brown egg layers over time breeding them to regular NN roosters.

Congratulations on you green egg layer.

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