Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Congrats Draye on the hatch, hope it continues to go well.

I think girl

Nice chicks in the brooder.

Thanks. I think it about over though.

I've got 45ish eggs that not a one hatched. I'm thinking they were not fertile. They are tge ones from the Araucana rooster over the three NN hens. He may have been a bit young.
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can you show us NN/araucana cross? I have just got an araucana cockerel and think to mate him to NN but have no idea what the result would be. I am very happy with my NNs health and plan to cross them in order to get healthy chickens. I live in a hot and windy climate.

I'm sorry but I most likely won't be getting any if the Araucana cross chicks. They look like they are not fertile. Not one little peep at all.

I figure mostly the rooster was maybe a little too young yet. I got him and was told that he was about 5 months old and had him about another month with the hens so maybe just a bit shy of 6 months.

I won't be trying that cross again as I'm taking him to the sale barn tomorrow. Making room fir my up and coming roosters for this next spring.
I'm sorry but I most likely won't be getting any if the Araucana cross chicks. They look like they are not fertile. Not one little peep at all.

I figure mostly the rooster was maybe a little too young yet. I got him and was told that he was about 5 months old and had him about another month with the hens so maybe just a bit shy of 6 months.

I won't be trying that cross again as I'm taking him to the sale barn tomorrow. Making room fir my up and coming roosters for this next spring.

sorry to hear that. when I mate mine to NN I hope I will be able to show you. it is possible that he is too young, araucanas are slow maturing chickens. I would give him another opportunity - if you don't need to sell him.
sorry to hear that. when I mate mine to NN I hope I will be able to show you. it is possible that he is too young, araucanas are slow maturing chickens. I would give him another opportunity - if you don't need to sell him.

I might would be able to keep him but I'm going to move on. Got too many things going on.


Picture of 9 of 27 Naked Neck babies.
Daddies were either a Blue Jersey Giant or a Blue Copper Naked Neck, I also have two other NN roosters that sired three chicks each ( this I know because I had 6 Welsummer eggs that they were in with a total of all 6 hatching).


These are all black or blue chicks, so I figure they were by the first two roosters I listed above. Figure I can tell which are which when they begin to mature.
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I had one Araucana Turken that ended up being rumpless. Of course he was a cockerel. Pics below are at 5 weeks and 6 weeks. I gave him to a neighbor and she absolutely adores him. She calls him "the white one" so apparently he feathered out mostly white. When I go to visit I will take new pictures.

I had one Araucana Turken that ended up being rumpless. Of course he was a cockerel. Pics below are at 5 weeks and 6 weeks. I gave him to a neighbor and she absolutely adores him. She calls him "the white one" so apparently he feathered out mostly white. When I go to visit I will take new pictures.

I know a gal who, for whatever reasoning, is having a go at putting together a flock of rumpless NNs. I started to buy a beautiful white white rumpless cockerel last year but eventually decided against it. I wish now I had gone through with the deal. It would have been a great bird for her. I didn't buy it because a noted APA judge advised against it and I have great respect for this judge's opinion.

The bird wouldn't have fit in here but for my friend, it would have put her on top of the game. He was a bantam but he was beautiful. I may have a video of him in my PMs. If I can find it, I'll post it. I've banged my head into the wall for not thinking of her at the time because she has been into this rumpless NN thing for about 3 years.
Got a total of 48 Baked Be k chicks that hatched out this time. A total of 91 hatched.

Haven't done the math yet but doesn't look real good. 91 out of 201.
A tip for rumpless cockerels- trim their vent feathers really close to the skin, particularly to the sides and below the vent but also some above the vent.

The rumpless gene is very variable, it can also change the anatomy in the rear end, in some cockerels it makes it difficult for the cockerel to figure out how to breed properly. They'll go through the motions but eggs are coming up infertile..... yet they are fertile for life after a vent trimming, even when the feathers grow back.

Fertility seemed to be less of an issue with the NN rumpless(naturally naked around the vent..), but with some hens it helped some if some of the feathers above the vent was trimmed as they can lie flat against the vent when the roo is sitting on top of her, preventing full contact.

btw- not sure if there was a linkage or a coincidence due to the lines... the rumpless NN had so much more fat than any other chicken I've butchered.. it got annoying, my hands would get so greased I could not properly grip anything during the process. was reminded of this by the 'chunky' appearance of the handsome cockerel above.

I did like the rumpless NN, they were rather cute.. did not care much for the tufts and all the problems it brought.
Never had one get sunburned, not even the totally nakeds. Mine have shade available at all times, they love sunning, especially the nakeds. Some people mistakenly think the red skin is sunburned, but it is hormones, any chicken w/ exposed skin will redden like that when mature. (both male and females that are laying)

Yep this. It IS hormones interacting with direct sunlight exposure. Red skin actually means healthy birds, particularly on roosters.

Those who insist on sunscreen or not wanting to believe it, ask them what about the combs, face and wattles.. how come nobody seems to be concerned about sunburn on those areas? It's the same thing on their necks and bodies...
I picked up my chicks today from Ideal.

15 Naked Necks and 10 New Hampshires. I will use a generic "he", as I have no idea on genders (though I swear I think I can already tell one of the little Nn cockerels by comb size at day one - games we play with ourselves...) Yes, they've already made a bit of a mess...

Congrats, so exciting!

I've been a bad boy. Twice.

The feed store had chicks both times I visited recently....

Both times there were NN chicks..... sigh. I've seen them occasionally and resisted but for some reason these times.. resistance was futile.

They are supposed to be all pullets, but looks like got one 'sneaky Sam' as one chick's comb is getting noticeably bigger. Happy to get a boy actually.

The second batch I did get some because there was one NN chick with unusual color pattern. I like unusual.. and mysteries.. especially from a hatchery.. It's still way too young, right now it looks like a possible spangled(light tan with black tips on feathers).

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