Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Well, all I can say is, make sure you ask for and pay for Express shipping. I'm sure this is my error for not being careful about looking at what I picked when ordering, but the chicks were sent Priority Mail, left the hatchery on Tuesday, and didn't arrive on Friday (as I think I've said). And there have been consequences - one died in transit, and several did not look good when being unloaded. I lost 2 more Saturday morning, and another 3 overnight Saturday night. Lost another one this afternoon (who was looking bad but I was trying to help drink). And now yet another is suddenly looking like his leg won't work well. I feel that I must have somehow cursed myself by bemoaning how many chicks I was raising at once (seriously, I DO actually know how to take care of chicks, for heaven's sake). Most have been weak and have had clean butts at death, and I've been checking for pasty butt all along, but one of the chicks who died last night did seem to have it - I suspect it developed and progressed that night and overnight, because I didn't see it before bed and there were shaving with the poop on his butt, like he hadn't been moving. It's been such a sad experience to keep finding dead chicks - poor little things.

The good news (if there is any) is that not counting the one with the leg issue, I have 17 left that are doing really well, running around, acting normal, eating A LOT. They do seem to be big, but I'm remembering that they hatched Tuesday. I spent some time grabbing a couple who had a little dried poop by their butts and doing the pasty butt treatment (rinse with warm water and blow dry). I'm not taking any chances. I'm about to go back over to change their water and I'm going to do another butt check.

I'm really tired of going to the brooder and finding little dead trampled chicks.

Dead and dying chicks are the worst. This is precisely the reason I only order hatching eggs. Those poor, helpless little chicks just tug too hard at the heartstrings when they suffer. I truly hope that the rest will remain healthy and strong.

Sorry about the chicks.
I have only ordered through the mail twice. Meyers w/ my first ever chicks EE'ers, they were great arrived healthy and vigorous. Then I ordered from a small hatchery some blue NN, it was a NIGHTMARE all dead on arrival or dying on arrival. Being accused by the hatchery of lying to get more chicks, even w/ pics of the carnage.
Sorry about the chicks.
I have only ordered through the mail twice. Meyers w/ my first ever chicks EE'ers, they were great arrived healthy and vigorous. Then I ordered from a small hatchery some blue NN, it was a NIGHTMARE all dead on arrival or dying on arrival. Being accused by the hatchery of lying to get more chicks, even w/ pics of the carnage.

I had a bad order like that once. I also had both, some already dead, and some dyeing. You know what I did while I was talking with this gal? I leaned over the brooder and let her listen to those poor babies that were making the most sad noise ever! She just had me count how many were many I could see that weren't going to make it, even ones I thought may not make it. Ideal. I've worked with them the most. They replaced them.
Dead and dying chicks are the worst. This is precisely the reason I only order hatching eggs. Those poor, helpless little chicks just tug too hard at the heartstrings when they suffer. I truly hope that the rest will remain healthy and strong.


I've had worse luck with shipping hatching eggs, but you're right, there's no baby dying in front of you...

Not fun when that happens. Went through that with barbezieux chicks from gff. about half died.

Ugh. Sometimes it goes really well, other times...

Quote: Oh, Kassaundra and Cynthia, that's so horrible. But I've had good dealings with Ideal - good to hear they made it right.

I don't know what to expect tomorrow morning, and whether there will be more little bodies. It's gotten to where I set up a few paper towels on a rack in front of the brooder before opening, to be ready. Hoping they, as a group, will turn the corner soon. I'm still using marbles in the water, mostly because of that little one with the iffy leg.

- Ant Farm
I managed to get the last few photos today. Nugget - 3.4 lbs @ 10 weeks. I REALLY like his body shop, though I'm rather surprised that he still hasn't grown any tail feathers. Buffy - 2.77 lbs @ 10 weeks.
So I was on FB going thru posts of RGV poultry when I came across the pics of Tank, Frost and the rest of the crew. I said "I know this beauties, they're DesertChic's Turkens!!!" You're birds are getting famous down here in South Texas DesertChic!!!
So I was on FB going thru posts of RGV poultry when I came across the pics of Tank, Frost and the rest of the crew. I said "I know this beauties, they're DesertChic's Turkens!!!" You're birds are getting famous down here in South Texas DesertChic!!!

Don't tell my chickens that they're famous! It'll go straight to their heads and the next thing you know they'll be demanding grubs and fresh greens served on the fine china.
They are pretty, I really like that lower left one in the the bit of barring going throughout that white. Pretty cute!

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