Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Don't have a name for this little one yet. 5 weeks old. Bantam

Well today somebody run over a fox with a car right in front of my house. Kind of glad.
glad to hear that. I must lock my chickens at night as there are foxes around. something got another duck of mine and people saw foxes near my house. I had to rehome the last 2 ducks straight away as I didn't have safe place for them.
I was collecting eggs last night late, so I had my head lamp on, and found a tiny baby possum scaling the inside of the run part of one of the coops (picked it up from the reflection in the eyes). This coop goes to bed early because one of them is almost blind, and I think it crawled through the automatic door before it shut, but I need to check the perimeter for gaps. Got it out with a poop bucket and shovel (serves it right) - didn't have the presence of mind to kill it. There are SO many possums and baby possums around right now, and they're also drilling lots of holes in the ground. They have yet to have any trip a trap. SUPER frustrated.
cute little girl. will she lay green eggs?

I'm not sure I went to my local feed store and walked by the bantam brooder box seen this one. The only NN out of 200 chicks. I had to have her. I know nothing about what kind of NN it is. All I know is that it was a straight run and a Bantam. Lol. She is on the bottom of the pecking order and kinda stays to her self. She is super sweet.
glad to hear that. I must lock my chickens at night as there are foxes around. something got another duck of mine and people saw foxes near my house. I had to rehome the last 2 ducks straight away as I didn't have safe place for them.

I was collecting eggs last night late, so I had my head lamp on, and found a tiny baby possum scaling the inside of the run part of one of the coops (picked it up from the reflection in the eyes). This coop goes to bed early because one of them is almost blind, and I think it crawled through the automatic door before it shut, but I need to check the perimeter for gaps. Got it out with a poop bucket and shovel (serves it right) - didn't have the presence of mind to kill it. There are SO many possums and baby possums around right now, and they're also drilling lots of holes in the ground. They have yet to have any trip a trap. SUPER frustrated. :rant

I also wouldn't have the courage to kill any of these but when something else kills it I'm fine with that.
I was collecting eggs last night late, so I had my head lamp on, and found a tiny baby possum scaling the inside of the run part of one of the coops (picked it up from the reflection in the eyes). This coop goes to bed early because one of them is almost blind, and I think it crawled through the automatic door before it shut, but I need to check the perimeter for gaps. Got it out with a poop bucket and shovel (serves it right) - didn't have the presence of mind to kill it. There are SO many possums and baby possums around right now, and they're also drilling lots of holes in the ground. They have yet to have any trip a trap. SUPER frustrated.

were you afraid that if you kill it 1000 others will come to the funeral? (sorry, I couldn't resist)

I don't know what I would do if I found baby rats. they bring diseases to my flock.

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