Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Still kinda young so there can be surprises, but if I were a betting gal, I'd say boy, girl, boy
Agreed. #1 and #3 look like cockerels, and #2 like a pullet.

That's a bit upsetting, we can't have any more roosters since we already have two. The first chick looks like it has a larger comb but it isn't red so that one may still have a chance of being a pullet. Though the third chick is screaming cockerel. :/
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Whoa!!!! That was a lot of catching up. Not much news from this part of Kentucky except I have two NN hens that have gone broody, two or three days apart. These are three year old sisters that were covered by my hybrid Dark Cornish over Buckeye and they are on their own eggs but I'm not certain which hen layed which eggs. I guess It really doesn't matter because I plan to cross the dad over the best pullets and the best cockerels over mommy hen.
Today was weights day for the NN x GNH group. I almost didn't do it - it's a bit of a pain, I'm weighing four different groups, so four times a week. But it's invaluable to be able to lay my hands on each bird each week. They are doing great, and the boys all look like clones of their father, Tank (it's WILD!) - As I would hold them changing the bands, I would look at their face, and it was almost eerie (esp. because they are all so well behaved like Tank - even when squirming). Laying hands on them is good - a few of them have more narrow bodies and/or are thinner in the breast a way that can only be detected by holding them (including one who "seemed" fine but is leveling off weight wise - I wonder if he's low on the pecking order).

Really really pleased with them. I'm rushing to get some growout housing done for some chicks that need to be outside ASAP, but after that will get some pics.

For comparison, here are the S&G weights (their weight day was yesterday). They are generally very good natured and sweet. They are enormous, with nice bodies. It's sort of hysterical to have these huge birds chirp like babies at me when I'm holding them...

- Ant Farm
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Whoa!!!! That was a lot of catching up. Not much news from this part of Kentucky except I have two NN hens that have gone broody, two or three days apart. These are three year old sisters that were covered by my hybrid Dark Cornish over Buckeye and they are on their own eggs but I'm not certain which hen layed which eggs. I guess It really doesn't matter because I plan to cross the dad over the best pullets and the best cockerels over mommy hen.

I went from zero broodies to six overnight, but unlike you I am NOT in a position to hatch any more eggs. As of today I'm down to 94 birds. Darn chicken math!

I processed four of my extra cockerels today while keeping a wary eye on the wildfire burning just 15 minutes away from my house. It was started this past Sunday and has grown to over 40,000 acres, doubling every day because of the high winds. We've been lucky that the wind has been blowing the fire away from our house...until today. Unfortunately we have a lot of friends and acquaintances who haven't been so lucky and have been busily evacuating themselves and their animals to keep everyone safe. All of this because a couple idiots who definitely should've known better decided to shoot exploding targets in a dry desert resplendent with highly flammable brush and didn't even bother to bring anything like fire extinguishers, just in case. I'd really like a chance to smack the stupid outta those guys.
So, I just just got back from spending a week in Utah, getting some business done, and couldn't help myself... I ended up taking the leftovers from Cynthia's recent hatch back home to AZ with me. haha! Hubby isn't too happy, but he'll live. She says these are from both DesertChic and Draye, but can't remember which is from which batch.

Here they are settling into their new brooder.

This one is the biggest by far than the rest of them, either a early hatch or just big genes, and by his attitude I'm thinking it's gotta be a cockerel. He's making it a habit to run up and peck me immediately whenever I stick my hand in the brooder, and is the most dramatic about getting picked up and held. Just basically a little punk.

This is another that I predict is a cockerel. He's also the polar opposite of the punk. Inquisitive, and in no hurry to get away when held. The friendliest of the whole bunch. And has some interesting blue barring going on.

This is the third one that I suspect is a cockerel, but only by flight feather sexing. It could just be a late bloomer. Very beautiful dark red/brown partridge maybe? Very shy and the hardest to catch.

These two I'm 99% positive are girls and are so sweet and gentle. A little shy about being picked up, but settle down very fast.

There's two that look to be just all black plummage that I'm also about 99% sure are pullets.

But the second of those two has be a little concerned. She's grown in some twisted feathers, mainly the inner primaries, but the ends of her primaries and tail feathers look a little not right two. At first glance I thought maybe she had a little frizzle in her, but after looking a bit harder I think something happened to her feather growth. Will just have to wait and see how her second phase feathers come in.

The first one is from the Zen egg Christine! That bird got big! Can't keep boys. Had to give some up.
The second one is from Draye..pretty baby. :)
The first black is from Chirstine, and the second one from Draye. They were sweet. Easy going. I didn't notice the feather thing! It may just grow out of it..had a few like that .. that did once they got bigger. In fact, my Gladys outside had the most weird tail feathers going on in the tip of the tail. Thought she was just going to be different. Well, she has a very pretty tail now. Hope those feathers work out ok on this little one.

So, you got that big rig home ok?

I have one from you Christine now..that I am sooo sooo hoping is a girl. From Coca Puffs egg. I have surgery tomorrow. . . But, will get photos when I am able to .. first thing when I can. I can see the coloring just getting prettier all the time. It's speckled. Started out being a buff chick with a dot on it's head. Then all of this different coloring started coming in.
The barred one is looking more speckled than barred, or a mix of it. Still too soon to see what that's going to do.
The Prince egg chick is looking what we could have guessed..a lot of black barring on wings.

Draye, there is one almost like that boy up there of yours..the light buff one..that is really looking nice. Like I said, photos when I get back.
Oh, the other brown one I kept, Christine, with the cute extra brown face, is looking partridge.
I went from zero broodies to six overnight, but unlike you I am NOT in a position to hatch any more eggs. As of today I'm down to 94 birds. Darn chicken math!

I processed four of my extra cockerels today while keeping a wary eye on the wildfire burning just 15 minutes away from my house. It was started this past Sunday and has grown to over 40,000 acres, doubling every day because of the high winds. We've been lucky that the wind has been blowing the fire away from our house...until today. Unfortunately we have a lot of friends and acquaintances who haven't been so lucky and have been busily evacuating themselves and their animals to keep everyone safe. All of this because a couple idiots who definitely should've known better decided to shoot exploding targets in a dry desert resplendent with highly flammable brush and didn't even bother to bring anything like fire extinguishers, just in case. I'd really like a chance to smack the stupid outta those guys.

Oh no..hadn't heard of the fire! I will pray that you all stay safe out there. Why are some so fascinated with the fireworks, or fire?
I went from zero broodies to six overnight, but unlike you I am NOT in a position to hatch any more eggs. As of today I'm down to 94 birds. Darn chicken math! :barnie

I processed four of my extra cockerels today while keeping a wary eye on the wildfire burning just 15 minutes away from my house. It was started this past Sunday and has grown to over 40,000 acres, doubling every day because of the high winds. We've been lucky that the wind has been blowing the fire away from our house...until today. Unfortunately we have a lot of friends and acquaintances who haven't been so lucky and have been busily evacuating themselves and their animals to keep everyone safe. All of this because a couple idiots who definitely should've known better decided to shoot exploding targets in a dry desert resplendent with highly flammable brush and didn't even bother to bring anything like fire extinguishers, just in case. I'd really like a chance to smack the stupid outta those guys. :mad:

Saw that on the news yesterday. Praying that the winds quit and they get it under control.
The first one is from the Zen egg Christine! That bird got big! Can't keep boys. Had to give some up.
The second one is from Draye..pretty baby. :)
The first black is from Chirstine, and the second one from Draye. They were sweet. Easy going. I didn't notice the feather thing! It may just grow out of it..had a few like that .. that did once they got bigger. In fact, my Gladys outside had the most weird tail feathers going on in the tip of the tail. Thought she was just going to be different. Well, she has a very pretty tail now. Hope those feathers work out ok on this little one.

So, you got that big rig home ok?

That's good to know about the funny feathers. She otherwise seems completely fine. They're all still doing great, full of energy. I had forgotten to ask you for some grower crumble so I had to make some up until I could get down here to AZ. Ground up some layer pellets and high protein dog food together. Didn't bug them one bit, fecals look fine and everything. And they handled the trip fantastically. :) My brooder is about 3' x 3', so when I put them in there they got all excited about the extra space, it was really fun to watch.

That's a big no on the big rig. Turned out they had forgotten a seal/plug thing way deep inside the motor and it's gonna have to come apart again otherwise it's gonna dump all the oil into the timing cover... :( So we're just coming home for a break, and then the dh and a friend will be back up there in a few weeks to finish the job. We almost cried when we found out the stupid thing we did...

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