Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Again..?? Thinking the fully feathered is a girl, not sure about the and black.
A couple of the olders....pretty sure the buff one is a girl. The golden one keeps me changing my mind. I'm not seeing saddle feathers yet.
This one that was the black one with a little bit of brown starting to show through. I was hoping would be a pullet, but he's actually surpassed the big black one. He's bigger now, with more breast meat, and has a very nice personality so far.


I ended up with only 2 pullets out of 7 chicks, but they are both very nice. The little solid black pullet is about as plain and homely as they can get but the friendliest and sweetest out of all of them. She kinda reminds me of a gentle little Amish girl. My step daughter loves to pick her up and snuggle with her.

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