Naked Neck/Turken Thread

That's really good to know. Do you think you'll be having hatching eggs available any time soon? I could meet you half way to pick them up. I was going to get some from that "Rare Bird Farm" guy in Wilcox, but he's taken down his website and not responding to emails..... :-/

Right now my breeding plans in on pause. This surgery has really set me back and even though I'm healing well, I fell behind both here on the farm and at our business. I'd like to perform one focused breeding on my NNs in the fall, and also one Silver Grey Dorking breeding, but I've got to seriously cull down my flock before doing that and right now I just don't have the time or energy. I'll keep you posted though. :)
Hey take care of your self. I am not running on full steam this year too... set realistic goals, don't beat up on yourself, just do right by the birds you got now first. Falling behind is easy... my yard is in the fall behind state too. Sigh. However starting to plug away at goals again. Second coop built so that is good, now serious other things need doing on the list.

Maybe some friends could come over to help with a few projects you need done on the farm, as well surgery always messes things up on the to-do list.

Hey take care of your self. I am not running on full steam this year too... set realistic goals, don't beat up on yourself, just do right by the birds you got now first. Falling behind is easy... my yard is in the fall behind state too. Sigh. However starting to plug away at goals again. Second coop built so that is good, now serious other things need doing on the list.

Maybe some friends could come over to help with a few projects you need done on the farm, as well surgery always messes things up on the to-do list.


LOL! I don't have any "farm friends". Most of my friends stare at me wide-eyed and slack jawed when I prattle off my daily chores list. Luckily my teenage son and my husband were extremely helpful while I've been recovering, though I was still out there feeding chickens just hours after surgery. I truly believe that daily fresh air, a little bit of work, and some chicken therapy helps the healing process.
LOL! I don't have any "farm friends". Most of my friends stare at me wide-eyed and slack jawed when I prattle off my daily chores list. Luckily my teenage son and my husband were extremely helpful while I've been recovering, though I was still out there feeding chickens just hours after surgery. I truly believe that daily fresh air, a little bit of work, and some chicken therapy helps the healing process.

So nice when family members help out! They deserve a nice fresh cool dust bath as a reward. :)

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