Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Hello. :)

I am currently looking at adding some chickens to my backyard flock. Right now I will be adding on Buff Orpingtons and one other one. I do not want any hybrids because if I like the breed- I'd like to be able to breed them to increase my flock. I really like the appearance of the NN and am leaning towards adding this one. (I only want 2 breeds right now. I contemplated 3 but I think 2 is better) BO are known for the heaviness and they cannot easily "fly" over fences. I'd like another bird that won't be an issue getting over a 4/5ft fence. Thanks for your input!

The NN's that I have from Nava are already bigger than the Easter Egger hens that are 2 year olds.
They stay in their 5 ft fence with no problem but they haven't really tried to fly out. So I'm thinking either they are to big to fly over or they are lazy and don't want to..
Hey everyone! I haven't had much to say, so I have been reading instead :)

I am very excited!!!! I have a girl laying eggs!! She has been doing this for five days now. I finally figured out which one it is :) It is my silkie/cochin mix. I will wait until her eggs are bigger and then..........of course have to incubate a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I get some NNs with a crest and beard like she has :) She is smooth feathered.
Her eggs are fertile! Camo has been doing his job correctly !!
Since I brought Sparkie, my pretty little NN home with her six perfect eggs that she had been sitting on, she has been unhappy and a trouble maker. I figured out that she did not want to be separate from her flock. So I gave up and put her back there and threw out those beautfiul eggs.

I had not cleaned my incubator from the last run but I now know that Victor my dark blue silkie rooster is able and willing as I have a half a dozen black skinned, five toed babies. But none are neckeds yet. Yesterday I found my hugh blue Marans hen sitting on a green egg. Looks as if I can try to place all the bantam eggs under her for now.

And now a genetic question for Lisa and or Kev.............Victor was staying with my ten LF hens. In that pen there is quite a variety of breeds. The brown layers are Welsummer, Wyandotte, Marans. Out of a lighter brown egg came a little chick with five toes and a very nice fluffy beard with silver chipmunk coloring. The stripe is brown and the eye liner is black and prominate.
I should have a picture but not yet. Question, Is mom the welsummer, is the beard from the silkie rooster and because of the eye liner could I guess girl ?
Don't Marans and Welsummers lay a darker brown egg than Wyandotte? So if it came from a lighter brown egg, I'd guess Wyandotte (or is that too obvious?).
What color is the Wyandotte? I'm only familiar with crossing 'silver laced' x 'blue' and from that I got blues and blacks (solid females, leaky males).
Sounds like your chick might be partridge-ish?

I bet Kev can shed more light on it for you.

That's a shame about Sparkys eggs. I bet next time, she'll do better.
Congratulations on those fertile eggs!
Hey everyone!  I haven't had much to say, so I have been reading instead :)

I am very excited!!!!  I have a girl laying eggs!!  She has been doing this for five days now. I finally figured out which one it is :)  It is my silkie/cochin mix.  I will wait until her eggs are bigger and then..........of course have to incubate a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope I get some NNs with a crest and beard like she has :)  She is smooth feathered.  
  Her eggs are fertile!   Camo has been doing his job correctly !!       :weee
Lisa, maybe you aren't talking sweet enough to them. Sure like the dark skinned splash.

Here's my fav NN hatched so far. Think it's a pullet. Some hairdo, huh?
Congratulations on those fertile eggs!
Thank you very much! :) Your pullets look great! I love the suspicious look at the camera

Lisa.......You know the bantam barred rock eggs I told you I was getting? Well, only two have made it to day 15 :(

Have your girls started laying yet in the bantam barred pen?

I see myself breaking what I told myself I would not do.........I was going to wait for a broody.....but that incubator is calling me for large pullet eggs
Oh Sande, she is just beautiful! BEA-utiful!

I'm getting 2 eggs a day from the pen I set up to make your barred NN bantams. I have the first ones in the incubator now (just checking fertility) --- should be able to see growth, or lack of, if I candle tonight.
Oh Sande, she is just beautiful! BEA-utiful!
I'm getting 2 eggs a day from the pen I set up to make your barred NN bantams. I have the first ones in the incubator now (just checking fertility) --- should be able to see growth, or lack of, if I candle tonight.

please let me know how they look :) Hatch day will be this coming Tuesday for what I've got in the incubator. I guess I can always incubate one more time, with bought eggs, for the year since they would be my most desirable ones

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