Naked Neck/Turken Thread

BackyardCoop....pure NNs only ever have the 4 toes, but those where the parentage is not pure (e.g if they have a Sultan ancestor) can inherit the 5 toes.

One of mine has 4 toes on one foot and 5 on the other.
BackyardCoop....pure NNs only ever have the 4 toes, but those where the parentage is not pure (e.g if they have a Sultan ancestor) can inherit the 5 toes.

One of mine has 4 toes on one foot and 5 on the other.
That is too funny! I thought maybe it was because they were Frizzle NN's. Still completely new to the NN's so it threw me off! I need to go down to the coop tomorrow and thoroughly check them all now! Here is one of my girls' toes.

Backyardcoop besides five toes the bird in your picture also has feathers down the side of the leg and foot. There are several breeds with five toes and feathered feet and legs. If you mix them with any breed the majority of the mixes with inherity the dominate gene for five toes and feather feet. And then there are a few breeds like Marans that have four toes and feather legs and feet. Feathers on the legs and feet are dominate and will be passed on. I really like my silkie crosses with their five toes but I could do without the feathers since they get dirty faster than feet without feathers. But that is the price that you pay when mixing breeds.

Lots of us like to do that just to see the results. The mix that I don't understand is the Cochen and NN since the former has so many feathers and one of the pluses of NN is much less feathers. But maybe that only is significant in the hot hot climates and/or if you plan on processing them. ????
Backyardcoop besides five toes the bird in your picture also has feathers down the side of the leg and foot. There are several breeds with five toes and feathered feet and legs. If you mix them with any breed the majority of the mixes with inherity the dominate gene for five toes and feather feet. And then there are a few breeds like Marans that have four toes and feather legs and feet. Feathers on the legs and feet are dominate and will be passed on. I really like my silkie crosses with their five toes but I could do without the feathers since they get dirty faster than feet without feathers. But that is the price that you pay when mixing breeds.

Lots of us like to do that just to see the results. The mix that I don't understand is the Cochen and NN since the former has so many feathers and one of the pluses of NN is much less feathers. But maybe that only is significant in the hot hot climates and/or if you plan on processing them. ????
Very interesting. Thanks! I know they get dirty faster, especially since they love to dust! My white frizzle was beginning to look gray today. haha But I am a huge fan of the feathered feet. I have Marans as well, must just be choice.
I am in a colder climate so hoping to not have to process many at all. Only a few roo's in the fall. But I see what you are saying!
Brahmas are heavily feathered and have heavy leg feathers. Brahmas crossed with La Flèche have quite heavy leg feathers and a 'crown' for a comb. My Brahma X Naked Necks have very scanty leg feathers and much reduced body feathers with the inevitable bunch of bow tie feathers.Therefore the NN genes obviously act on reducing but not eliminating the leg feathering.
All of my NN X Brahma have inherited the Brahma pea IT is dominant over the single NN comb.
The La Flèche comb is now interesting me as all my Brahmas have the pea comb. but the comb on the crosses between NN and La Flèche are like a little crown....two single ridges fused at both ends. That seems odd....the La Flèche comb effect has split the comb into two....but why has the pea comb become single? Sorry I am rambling and I should probably post this latter part on the La Flèche thread.
One of my Brahmas is currently incubating two eggs from my over-sized NN Blackchops (who usually lays double yolkers) and both are showing good embryos at 12 days....My Brahma X NN Gordon will probably be the father. I DO hope they hatch.
PG you do have more experience with mixing breeds than I do. But I did just say I did not understand the crossing of Cochin/NN. Personally I have never crossed either. And because of where I live I would not want to have either. It is just too hot. ( I did have a Brahma hen one but never a La Fleche) You are correct about the PEA COMB as far as I have read that Pea combs are dominate.

Finally I must say that I am just repeating what I think that I have read and my personal opinions. I love to hear about your latter experiment. You can post anything that you want on some threads including this one and a few others since some of us are just friendly as well as wondering about our specific breeds, Now of course some breed threads do sound irritable when comments annoy them so we can all decide to avoid what we do not want to be bother with EH?

BTW La Fleches are RARE in this area (SW USA) as far as i know. Legbars are the new "breed" and I must admit the facts of their very blue eggs and ability to sex them at birth are a plus.

PS Maybe Kev will clock in soon on some genitic stuff.
Here's that weird comb, I've started a thread on it, too.

If Kev or other Knowledgeable Folk see this, could they advise what I am likely to get for a comb from my single combed Naked Necks X La Flèche horns (which are clearly showing up when crossed with a bird with pea comb)?

Question: Are my NN's the only ones with funny feet? All of mine have an extra toe. lol I haven't seen this in any pictures on here. :idunno I Googled it and found that some showbird NN's have the five toes. So weird! 

Silkies and Naked Neck Silkies (some people call them 'showgirls') should have 5 toes on each foot. A lot of people have crossed Silkies and Cochins / Frizzle Cochins, both feather leg breeds, with Naked Necks and they make insanely cute chicks.
Silkies and Naked Neck Silkies (some people call them 'showgirls') should have 5 toes on each foot. A lot of people have crossed Silkies and Cochins / Frizzle Cochins, both feather leg breeds, with Naked Necks and they make insanely cute chicks.
I found one in my coop with the start of a 6th toe!

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