Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Here's that weird comb, I've started a thread on it, too.

If Kev or other Knowledgeable Folk see this, could they advise what I am likely to get for a comb from my single combed Naked Necks X La Flèche horns (which are clearly showing up when crossed with a bird with pea comb)?

That is one cool comb! I like it on the all black chicken too, really shows it off, like a crown jewel sitting on a black velvet drape. :lol:
That is one cool comb! I like it on the all black chicken too, really shows it off, like a crown jewel sitting on a black velvet drape.
I agree!
Awesome comb! Looks like a crown. =D
Thanks georgiaboy.

Here are a couple of pics from today

FEAR THE BEARD lol lol lol

Draye is this one looking like yours???? Have any guesses yet as to gender? She is the smartest of all my chickie doos.

Even though it's out of focus, here is Jackie O and Miss Priss.
Kaussandra, you have my birds!!! Love those poofy headed girls. I'm hoping to make some crested NN's down the road with my Swedish Flower Hens. It's such a cute look :)

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