Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I have 4 that are almost 15 weeks old and the pullets all look like yours. My cockerel has had huge comb and wattles since he was maybe five weeks old or so. I think you have all pullets
I appreciate everyone looking at my chicks. I noticed some greenish sheen on the saddle area of Mort today (and possibly a bit on Frankie), but none on Treacle who remains the smallest.

I used to be a real expert at hatching Brahma roos (9 out of 11 in the incubator), that it almost seems too much like good luck for me to have chosen 3 girls! I have to admit that since I have had a glut of broody hens this summer and the incubator being used much less that I had many more pullets than roos.

Yhank you again,

My turken pullet Ivy has alot of the greenish sheen to her back feathers, but she is indeed a pullet.
Here's my turken cockerel named Impy, he will be 15 weeks old tomorrow:



And one of my turken pullets, Ivy, she's my favorite:

I've been looking at the pics of everybody's NN and most don't have feathers under their "chins" is this how most NN are? the reason for asking is our new baby does but we don't have any bearded chickens
All of my turkens have the "bowtie". They are hatchery quality birds.

Our older 2 have the bowties but our new guy has a full beard


I was wondering if it's because he's a cross
Wow Gritsar, I see what everyone is talking about with comb and wattle development....your boy Impy has impressive facial furniture! (Guess it's because I'm used to Brahmas who never have much of combs or wattles!).

I'm looking forward to seeing my 3 when they grow up. Two of them have very naked necks, one has a bow tie....all have bald areas on their bellies. Two are getting really red faces (the other has a black face).

I'm enjoying seeing pictures of others' Naked Necks .

afinney- yea sort of because of cross. It is more like pure for the naked neck gene vs not pure for it, this is because the gene has a dosage effect- there is a visible difference between one copy or two copies of the gene. Pure ones also have bigger naked areas elsewhere on the body not just the chin, most visible difference is the bowtie size so you see a lot more of the neck. Here's a picture, not pure on left and pure on right.


Many of them eventually grow up to have little or nothing on the face and chins, a few do grow feathers in those areas and keep forever.
My turken pullet Ivy has alot of the greenish sheen to her back feathers, but she is indeed a pullet.
Here's my turken cockerel named Impy, he will be 15 weeks old tomorrow:

And one of my turken pullets, Ivy, she's my favorite:

Impy is going to be a real handsome rooster.

Ivy is not laced.. she's probably a cross of a black with a buff or red, similar to Black Stars which are a cross of a RIR roo and BR hens(if I remember right). It's common for colors to 'leak through' in crosses like that. She is beautiful, looks like may be a good sized hen?

Oh Henrietta reminded me of my very first turken. Exactly same color and gentle personality! She lived to be 14 and continued to lay fairly well until 10ish then it was just a few Huge eggs each year. She was the one that got me hooked on turkens...

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